George Kopp
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Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 27 January 1869, page 7


SUICIDE DISAPPOINTMENT IN LOVE THE CAUSE-George Kopp, aged 32 years and a German by birth, committed suicide on Monday about noon, at the residence of his mother, on the Licking Turnpike, four miles south of Newport, by cutting his throat from ear to ear with a large knife.

On Sunday he attempted self-destruction by opening the veins of his arms but failed. About eleven o'clock on Monday forenoon his mother went to his room and found him in bed. She asked him if he would have something to eat, to which he replied, "No, all I want is to die." About an hour after this his mother again went to his room, when to her horror, she found that he had cut his throat as above stated, and was weltering in a great pool of his own blood.

Esquire A A C Kemper Sen. of this city was summoned in the afternoon to hold an inquest upon the body. The testimony before the jury was that the deceased was disappointed in a love affair a few months ago, since which time he has been very despondent, sometimes drinking deeply to drown his sorrows. The verdict of the jury ws that he came to his death by his own hand.

Kopp was a Constable in the John's Hill District.


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