George Frederick Franz

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 9 August 1899, page 7


George Frederick Franz, who lived a sort of a hermit life on Upper O'Fallon avenue, South Bellevue, was found dead about 5 pm yesterday by Mrs. Cora Frey, a neighbor. He was in a stooping position sitting on a keg of wine in his cottage. His surroundings were very squalid and filthy.

Coroner Higgins viewed the remains and rendered a verdict of death from heart failure. The deceased was 65 years of age and was born in Hessel-Cassel, Germany. He worked in a stone quarry when able. He lived alone but has a wife at Columbia and Southgate streets, Newport, and a sister named Heitschneider at Eleventh and York streets. His wife was notified but she refused to have anything to do with the burial of the body. If the sister does not bury him the funeral expenses will have to be paid by the county.


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