Private George P Butler and Sergeant Fred C Smith

Private Walter Lee

Kentucky Post, August 1, 1898, page 8

Typhoid Claimed Private Butler at Ft. Thomas
Sergeant Smith Found Dead on the Floor

Two deaths occurred at Ft. Thomas Sunday.  The first was that George P Butler, of Company G, 157th Indiana of typhoid fever.  Butler was one of the sick who arrived Friday.

The second death was that of Sergeant Fred C Smith, of Company G Nineteenth Infantry.  Smith was suffering with chronic dysentery and was thought to be improving.  He fell out of bed about 5 o'clock Sunday morning and when picked up by the nurses he was dead.

Both men were buried at Evergreen Cemetery Sunday afternoon making 14 in all that have been laid to rest there since the sick began arriving at the post.

A number of other patients in the hospital are in immediate danger and from now on the mortality report is expected to be large.

Paul G Huston, eldest son of Judge and Mrs. A B Huston, of Gholson Avenue, Avondale will be removed from Ft. Thomas to his home.  He is a member of the First Ohio Volunteers.  The wife of Private Lee, of the Second Georgia, who died July 25, arrived at the fort Sunday and asked for a certificate of his death.  She will have his body taken home for burial.

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