Fred Stahl

The Kentucky State Journal, Tuesday March 20, 1883 page 1


The many friends of Mr. Fred. Stahl will be pained to learn of his death which occured this morning at 4 o'clock.  Mr. Stahl has been ill from bronchitis for some time past and that with consumption of the bowels caused his death.

He was forty-two years of age and leaves a wife and four children; three boys and one girl, the eldest nineteen and the youngest nine years of age.  Mrs. Stahl was an honored member of Wm Tell Lodge No. 146 I. O. O. F. of which he was a P. G. and of Martin Luther Lodge A. P. A.

His funeral takes place from his late residence corner of Moss and Bellevue streets tomorrow at 2 p.m. Both lodges will be in attendance.


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