Fred Maerten

Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 19 November 1899, page 2


While suffering from a fit of melancholia Fred Maerten, a fireman at Fire Company No 1, on East Fourth street, committed suicide at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the firemen's sleeping quarters on the second floor of the building.

Maerten lived 25 minutes after the shooting. He appeared to be in good spirits yesterday morning and performed his daily duties about the house as usual. At 1 o'clock he repaired to his home, 14 East Fifth street, near the firehouse, spoke a few words with his wife and then came down York street with his little daughter. He left her at Fourth and York and went back to the firehouse, going directly upstairs. A few seconds later the firemen below were startled by the report of a pistol, followed by the dull thud of a falling body.

Fireman Bert Gosney was the first man upstairs and the sight which met his gaze was a sickening one. Maerten was lying on the floor near Chief Link's bed. His hand still clenched Link's revolver, which he had taken from the Chief's drawer.

The dead fireman was 40 years of age and leaves a widow and three children, one boy and two girls. The oldest 13 years of age. The only cause assigned for his rash act is that Maerten was financially embarrassed. A week ago he sold his house and lot, and since that time, his creditors have been giving him no rest. They have been complaining to the Police and Fire Commissioners and Maerten was fearful that he might lose his position.

When Coroner Higgins searched his clothes before the body was removed to Maerten's home, he found a notice from the Hartford Life Insurance Company that a payment of 48 on a mortality call would be due December 1. Maerten's wife holds a $2000 policy on his life in this company.

Maerten was appointed a substitute fireman November 25, 1896 and went on as a regular January 16, 1897.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 November 1899, page 5

The sensational suicide of Fireman Fred Maertens of the No 1 Engine house, Newport, Saturday cast a gloom over the entire department Sunday. Maertens was very popular and sympathy was expressed upon all sides for his widow and children. The Police and Fire Commissioners met Sunday and arranged for the funeral. It took place Monday at 1:30 pm from his late residence, 11 East Fifth Street. The body attended in a body, as well as a delegation of the Fire Department and a squad of policemen.

Rev A L Gehrke, pastor of St Paul German Lutheran Church officiated and several firemen acted as pallbearers. Fireman Maertens was formerly a well known feed merchant of Monmouth street, and lost a small fortune in the business At one time he was a member of the Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce and prominent in Cincinnati grain circles.


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