Frederick A Wolfram

The Kentucky Post, December 30, 1901, page 5


With a 38-calibur revolver Frederick A Wolfram, 72, of 147 Center Street, Bellevue, sent a bullet through his brain at an early hour Sunday morning.  The family was awakened by the sound of the shot and rushing to the old gentleman's room, found him lying across the bed, gasping for breath, with a pistol in his right hand.  Dr. Schoolfield was sent for, but Wolfram expired before he could reach the scene. No reason could be assigned for the desperate act except despondency.  He had been ill for over three years and his physician, Dr. Schoolfield, had noticed a tendency toward insanity at times.

On this account the family kept the closest watch on his movements, but on this occasion with the cunning of the would be suicide, he had evidently made all his plans to meet death.

He was a pioneer resident of Bellevue, having lived at the head of what is known as Berry Avenue when the ground on which the city is built was only farm land.  He was for many years janitor of the school building.  For some reason they family tried to keep the fact of the suicide quiet, and it was not until Coroner Higgins but in an appearance shortly before noon, that the affair leaked out.

A widow, one son and four daughters survive him.  One daughter, Miss Anna E Wolfram, is a successful practicing physician.  The funeral arrangements have been postponed until the arrival of a daughter from New York.


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