Frederick Loehr

Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 6 May 1906, page 13


Fred Loehr, 18, residing at 28 East Thirteenth street, Newport, met death suddenly yesterday as the result of a gunshot wound in the neck at the home of his brother, Robert Loehr, who lives at 15 East Thirteenth street. Considerable mystery attaches to the affair and Coroner Digby last night hinted that he would not make any decision until he had looked more closely at the shooting.

Young Loehr, who was engaged in the express business, was single and lived with his widowed mother. Yesterday he was in good spirits. As far as is known he had no love affairs and there was nothing to indicate that he had any reason for committing suicide. Shortly after noon he left home, saying he was going down to his brother's home, where he was a frequent visitor.

When he arrived there, there was no one home but his sister-in-law. She says that he came into the kitchen, where she was washing dishes. After a few pleasant remarks she says he went to the dress where her husband's revolver was lying and picked it up. She made some remark about his being careful in handling it and then went on washing dishes.

Suddenly there was a loud report and when she looked up she saw that her brother-in-law was leaning against the dresser and the blood was gushing from two ghastly wounds in his neck. Loehr staggered out into the side yard, where he dropped from loss of blood and died before medical assistance reached him. Coroner Digby is not sure that Loehr did not commit suicide and for that reason will not close the inquiry for a while.


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