Dr. Frank Hills Southgate

Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 September 1947, page 4


The passing of Dr. Frank Hills Southgate is like the removal of a pillar of the community and a landmark as it were, from the northern Kentucky scene. Dr. Southgate, in addition to his fine service as a practicing physician for half a century in Ft Thomas and the adjacent community had witnessed the growth of the splendid city of Ft Thomas from the days when his father and his uncles operated the site of the municipality as several large firms.

For 40 years, Dr. Southgate was health officer of Ft Thomas and he was its school physician for a long time. He had witnessed the beginnings of the use of anti-toxins in the treatment of diphtheria and the early experiments with blood transfusions. In his day he was an authoritative writer on medical subjects, his articles widely published in journals of his profession.

Dr. Southgate will be long remembered as an outstanding member of the medical profession and in this community, he will also will be forever linked with the very beginnings of that community that grew around the military reservation on the eastern hills of Campbell county.


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