Sergeant Frank B Lehman

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 January 1904, page 5

Commissary Sergeant Frank B Lehman for years stationed at Ft Thomas when a principal musician of the Sixth Infantry Band under Bandmaster Kinne, has just been ordered to the Philippine Islands for a tour of duty.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 March 1904, page 8

Commissary Sergeant Frank B Lehman, USA, who recently changed station from West Point NY, was formerly stationed at this post, Ft Thomas, as principal musician of the Sixth Infantry Band and is well known in the three cities. Prior to his departure from West Point, he and Mrs. Lehman were tendered a supper, which proceeded the dancing.

A cake 24 inches in diameter with the inscription, "Farewell to our Comrade Lehman" was presented to him, as well as a solid silver water pitcher and gold lined cup. It was hoped that Sergeant Lehman would be ordered to Ft Thomas, but his assignment to this post has been deferred for a time.


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