Frank "Midge" Guerrea


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 February 1922, page 1


Frank Guerrea, 15, of 24 W 13th St. Newport, was slightly injured Saturday when an auto in which he was riding was struck at Ninth and York streets, Newport, by a truck of the Newport Rolling Mill Co. driven police say by James Grand.

Guerrea was riding with his brothers, Anthony, 22 and Joseph 18, when injured. The auto of the Guerrea brothers was knocked onto the sidewalk at the northwest corner of Ninth and York streets. It was demolished. Police say Anthony Guerrea who was driving the auto, told them the rolling mill truck was exceeding the speed limit when it struck his auto.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 20 November 1926, page 10

By Gen Dahlman-Once upon a time a little Newport boy, he weighed only 100 pounds, decided to put on the gloves and work out with Gen LaRue and other boxers. That, dear friends, was the start of the ring career of Frank Guerrea. You don't know Frank Guerrea? Well then, Midget Guery, if you insist.

But Frank Guerrea is the right name of the boy was honored with the task of inaugurating boxing shows in the main auditorium of historic Music Hall. there he will beet Andy Chaney, New York lightweight, Monday night. Boxing gloves always lured the Midget. He would hang around training quarters of other fighters and one day was invited to put on the gloves and work out. At a trial horse he proved a howling success. He showed so well other boxers advised him to take up the game. He did. At the age of 16 he started boxing as an amateur.

In 1922 he made his debut as a professional at Ft Thomas and right off the bat made a hit, a two bagger as 'twere. In the first place he hit his opponent, Pat Bolcher, right on the chin the moment they squared off in the first round and the 10 seconds which toiled for Bolcher constituted a record knock out. That blow also made an instant hit with boxing fans and Guery immediately became a good drawing card. Guery has had 67 fights since he entered the ring and lost one through a decision but has never been knocked out.

He lost his lone fight last year to Tony La Rose but has not lost a battle so far this year. And Guery intends to keep his 1926 record clean in defeating Andy Channey when they hook up at Music Hall Monday night. Guery is a lightweight, of broad shoulders and well developed muscles. He is not a midget. That name was hung on him when he first applied at Ft Thomas for a bout.

Ft Thomas boxing daddies have been responsible for the naming of more fighters than any boxing club in the world. Some of the names given were well said but others were not so good. Guery is an Italian and attended Newport High School. He was born and raised in Newport and not at Latonia as so many persons believed. He formerly was a member of Pat Haley's school of boxers at Latonia. Guery is working out at the Yokum A C and now is under the management of Jimmy Shevlin who believes the boy, now only 19 years old, will develop into a really fine fighter.

Prices of seats for the Guery-Chaney contest range from 75 cents for gallery seats to $2.50 for stage and choice orchestra seats.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 October 1940, page 2

Frank Guerrea, known in sports circles as "Midge Guery" former topnotch northern Kentucky pugilist, announced Monday he is a candidate for membership on the Newport Board of Education. The post is nonpartisan and Mr. Guerrea has asked the support of both Democrats and Republicans. He attended the public schools of Newport and the high school of that city. For the last eight years Mr. Guerrea has been employed as an agent for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. He states that he will use every effort to see that the taxpayers money is used to best advantage for those purposes for which it is collected.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 November 1940, page 1

Winners in Newport School Board race were Oscar Rummel Jr. Monmouth street grocer, Dr. Fred C Weber, and Frank 'Midge" Guerrea, South Newport, former boxer, whose vote was 4320. Mr. Guerrea beat out Dr. R W Scheer, whose vote was 4236.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 October 1932, page 1

Frank Guerrea, a member of the Newport Board of Education and former widely known boxer whose ring name was "Midge Guery" has received an appointment as a petty officer in the Navy. Mr. Guerrea, whose four year Board of Education term has two years to run, will serve as a boxing instructor. He will report for duty Nov 17. Mr. Guerrea enlisted following a conference with Comm. Gene Tunney of the Bureau of Navy Personnel. He passed the physical exam Wednesday and was placed on inactive duty until he reports next month.

"The Navy has launched upon a serious physical fitness program for the purpose of conditioning a million fighting men, whose duty it will be to uphold the honor of our country and keep the flag flying on the seven seas. The particular job of physical instructors is to act as leaders in this program."

Mr. Guerrea began his boxing career in 1923 and for the next eight years fought many of the top ranking lightweights in the country. Following his retirement in 1931, he served as physical instructor at Fenwick Club and the Camargo Country Day School. At present he is an agent for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. He and Mrs. Guerrea live at 29 Ashe street, South Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 November 1942, page 1

At a meeting of the Newport Board of Education Wednesday night, Bruce Fields, who was defeated in the recent election for a position on the board, was named to fill the unexpired term of rank Guerrea, vice president, who has resigned to take a commission in the Navy. Mr. Guerrea, who served two years of his four year term is to report for duty Tuesday at Norfolk, Va.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 January 1943, page 12

Frank "Midge" Guerrea, first class petty officer in the Navy is at home on a brief furlough, visiting relatives and friends in Newport. Petty Officer Guerrea, vice president of the Newport Board of Education, enlisted in the Navy two months ago. He now is stationed at Norfolk as an instructor in physical training. He is a formerly nationally known boxer.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 October 1945, page 13

AD-SERVED HONORABLE-3 Years US Navy, 2 Years Newport School Board; FRANK (Midge) GUERREA; Now ready to serve you as NEWPORT CITY COMMISSIONER. A Business Man who will give you a sound business administration.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 October 1945, page 1


A personal letter of commendation was received Tuesday by Frank "Midge" Guerrea of 29 Ash street, South Newport from Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal. Mr. Guerrea, a specialist in the Navy's athletic program left here for Norfolk for his final discharge from service. He enlisted in the Navy three years ago when a member of the Newport Board of Education.

While on furlough, Guerrea entered the city primary. He won one of the eight nomination posts. He expects to return Saturday and resume his campaign for city commissioner. In his letter to Guerrea, Secretary Forrestal said:

"I have adressed this letter to reach you after all the formalities of your separation are completed. I have do so because, without formality but as clearly as I know how to say it. I want the Navy's pride in you, which it is my privilege to express, to reach into your civil life and to remain with you always. You have served in the greatest Navy in the world."


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 10 October 1946, page 7

Frank Midge Guerrea, Newport, an outstanding lightweight boxer in Greater Cincinnati from 1923 to 1931 and always active as a physical instructor or coach since that time, has joined the coaching staff of the Holy Cross School boxing team. The Holy Cross team is preparing now for the Oct 24 fights to be staged by the Northern Kentucky Catholic High School Boxing League.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 December 1946, page 1

Frank Guerrea was elected Vice President of the state CIO Industrial council, representing Newport.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 28 March 1947, page 18

A Northern Kentucky Committee of American Relief for Italy to aid in the national campaign to raise funds for Italy's destitute children has been formed with Eugene Giancola, as chairman; Ferdinard Ferrar, vice-chairman; Frank Guerrea, treasurer; and John Miglio, secretary.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 21 August 1947, page 1

"My only promise, if elected, is to listen carefully to the voice of the people as a whole and serve them to their best interests," Frank Midge Guerrea declared Thursday in his formal announcement as a candidate for Newport city commissioner. "The young people below voting age must be given their rights, that of healthful recreation, which in additon to education will prepare them for their responsibilities later. I believe that my recent appointment as national AAU commissioner, covering all athletics in Campbell county will substantiate my interest."


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 October 1947, page 1

A proposal that the old Rifle Range grounds in Campbell county, recently acquired by the Leo J Trauth Jr. Chapter, Disabled American Veterans, Newport, be converted into a park for disabled veterans, was made by Frank Midge Guerrea, speaking before the group Sunday.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 9 October 1947, page 1

Frank (Midge) Guerrea, candidate for Newport city commissioner, will speak on "Recreation and Child Welfare and How it will Reduce Juvenile Delinquency" when he appears before the Ludlow Rotary Club at 2 pm Thursday. He was also a principal speaker at the Ludlow Rotary Club Thursday night.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 20 October 1947, page 1

Its getting to be just one ring after another for Frank Midge Guerrea. Midge was rated at one time among the outstanding lightweights in the nation and during his ring career met the best of his weight. Later, he entered the political ring, being elected to the Newport school board. He again is in the political ring, seeking one of the four city commissioner posts. Tuesday night, Midge, will enter the square ring once again in the referee. He will be the third man in the ring when Covington Latin and Covington Catholic boys meet in a return boxing exhibition.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 November 1947, page 1

Frank Midge Guerrea was elected to Newport Commissioner, receiving 4089 votes.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 February 1948, page 1

Upon the recommendations of Commissioner Frank Guerrea, J Richard Kinsella, city engineer, will make an investigation to determine the cause of the vibrations at the Wiedemann Brewing Co. Mr. Guerrea said citizens living in the vicinity of the brewery have made complaints of damage being cause to their homes and their sleep being disturbed by the vibrations.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 March 1949, page 1

Upon the recommendation of Commissioner Frank Guerrea, a resolution exempting amputee veterans of World War II from payment of traffic citation tags was passed. The matter has the approval of veteran groups and is being inaugurated throughout the country, Mr. Guerrea said.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 May 1949, page 2

Frank Midge Guerrea, Newport City Commissioner, who led the ticket two years ago, definitely is a candidate for re-election.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 September 1949, page 9

Frank (Midge) Guerrea, Newport City Commissioner and AAU boxing Commissioner of Northern Kentucky will be honored at a meeting of the Leo J Trauth Jr. Chapter, Disabled American Veterans at 8 pm Sep 28 at chapter headquarters, Eighth and Saratoga streets, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 4 November 1950, page 1

Changes in voting places: First Ward B in Dayton has been moved from Kenton Cafe to Midge Guerrea Cafe, Fifth and Kenton streets.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 May 1955, page 2

MIDGE GUERREA TAVERN-In Dayton will sell business only or business and real estate. Ideal for carry out or delicatessen. Large parking area. Owner.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 July 1955, page 3

Frank (Midge) Guerrea has filed his declaration for candidacy for Newport city commission with the Campbell county clerk. Mr. Guerrea, former boxer, member of the board of education and of the city commission, makes his home at 29 Ash street, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 September 1955, page 2

Frank Guerrea has been named as sales manager of the branch office of the M & M Realty Co. Cincinnati. The new Campbell county branch was opened Friday by Mr. Guerrea at 35 E Seventh street. Newport.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 11 October 1955, page 1

In an unprecedented move, Frank Guerrea, former Newport city commissioner and one of the eight nominees in the Sep 24 city primary, withdrew his nomination Tuesday and fired a scathing blast at member of the ant-administration group.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 5 June 1958, page 15

Frank Guerrea, field worker for the Department of Economic Security will leave Monday for Frankfort where he will attend a school for the purpose of receiving additional training in post welfare work. Mr. Guerrea, former Newport City Commissioner, is a widely known former professional boxer.


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