Frank Costello

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 March 1903, page 5


The funeral of Frank Costello, the Newport boy who was killed in the Philippines about four months ago, took place Wednesday morning from the Church of the Immaculate Conception. The casket was draped in a huge American flag and was covered with floral emblems.

Rev Father McNerny officiated at the requiem high mass after which the remains were taken to St Stephen Cemetery and placed in a vault. The following served as pallbearers: Thomas O'Neill, Thomas Diskin, Thomas Donelan, Albert Walsh, George Lynagh, Albert Patterson, Louis Norris and Edward Reed.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 11 March 1903, page 9

The remains of Frank Costello, the Newport boy who was killed in Puerto Rico while serving on one of Uncle Sam's naval vessels, arrived home here last night, and were taken to his mother's home on West Fifth street by Funeral Director Costigan.


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