Frank Brown

Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 March 1903, page 1

Friends and relatives of Frank Brown, defaulting bookkeeper and wrecker of the defunct German National Bank of Newport Ky. are alarmed because he is said to be allied with the Government party in Ceiba, Honduras, now the center of a revolution.

Nothing has been heard from him for a month. Brown had received many favors from President Barrios, including the appointment as Quarantine Inspector of the port and a grant of three acres for mining purposes.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 10 April 1903, page 1

Frank Brown, the defaulting bookkeeper of the German National Bank, Newport Ky. who found refuge in Spanish Honduras, was "smoked out" during the existing revolution there. His present whereabouts are entirely a matter of conjecture. Brown, after settling down in Ceiba, where he opened communication with his relatives, tried several things to earn a livelihood. One of these was prospecting and he made a long trip into the interior without result. He returned to Ceiba and attracted the good will of an American fruit importing company.

His work has been pronounced satisfactory in every respect. Last Christmas, his son, Overton, 16, visiting him and returned to Newport with cheerful reports of Frank Brown's exile. Since then a fierce revolution following a disputed election, has broken out and the revolutionists have driven President Bonilla and his active partisans into high timber. They are collecting duties, have control of the Capital including Ceiba and when they got to the place Brown was not there.

Brown was badly wanted as he had been an ardent supporter of the administration. He beat them out of Cuba on a fruit vessel. The President's wife and daughter also intended to escape from Honduras but failed to board it because they were too ill. All the news by cable from Honduras is strictly censored.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 April 1903, page 1

Government officers are puzzled as to the present whereabouts of Frank Brown, the defaulting bookkeeper of the German National Bank of Newport Ky. since he has left Honduras. The information he had to skip out because of the recent revolution there was bad news to the officers. A watch was kept on brown in the hope he would try to get back into North American and hide himself.

It is known during the past six months he was homesick and despondent and had made overtures to surrender himself. Brown some months ago tried to make a deal through friends, whereby he would plead guilty and take a light sentence, but the Government refused. Some time ago Government officials received a tip that Brown would try to get into the United States through some Florida port, and all the ports at that place were carefully watched.

Despite the claims of friends Brown was doing well and was contented, it is known he yearns for home and friends.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 January 1906, page 5

A change in the post office address of Frank Brown, defaulting cashier of the German National Bank of Newport, has given rise to the report he is now a resident of the United States. All of Brown's mail from his friends and relatives has been mailed to an address in Spanish Honduras. Brown is a subscriber to a trade journal published in Cincinnati and several days ago sent word to the publishers to have it mailed to New Orleans in care of Vaccero Bros. & Co Nov 8, Camp st.

The Vaccero brothers are wholesale dealers in fruits and operate a commission business. It is believe Brown's knowledge of the trade in Central America has been the cause of his employment in New Orleans.


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