Private Frank L Aiken

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 January 1904, page 5

When Companies A and B left here for Ft Sheridan a short time ago, Private Frank L Aiken, of the former company was missing from the ranks and was left behind. He was afterward attached to a company here for duty and in some manner, secured a suit of civilian clothes belonging to a member of Company L and disposed of the same in Cincinnati.

Yesterday, he was discovered searching another man's locker and was placed under arrest and is now in confinement in post guardhouse awaiting trial. Aiken has a brother who is a First Lieutenant in the Twenty-eighth regular infantry.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 11 February 1904, page 5

Private Frank Aiken, Company A, who enlisted at Knoxville Tenn. has been dropped from the rolls as a deserter and the usual reward for his apprehension sent out.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 February 1904, page 8

The charge against Private Frank L Aiken, Company A, of desertion, was changed to absence without leave and the Summary Court sentenced him to confinement at hard labor for one month and to forfeit one month's pay.


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