Fort Thomas Barracks Soldiers Index
Ft Thomas, Campbell County, Kentucky
There were thousands of soldiers who came through the Ft Thomas Barracks. This will be an index of them as I find them.
KP-Kentucky Post
APPEL, Private; Eighth Cavalry Troop K; acquitted on
charge of desertion; KP-Tuesday, 11 April 1905, page 8
ATKINS, Andy; of
Portsmouth Va. arrested at Lexington Ky. desertion from the army will be brought
to post for trial; KP-5 April 1905, page 5
BARKER, Captain; 3rd Infantry; in Syracuse NY on a seven
days leave of absence; KP-Wednesday, 4 February 1903, page 5
Lieut. Robert M; assistant surgeon; to Ft Thomas from Army Medical School;
KP-Thursday, 9 April 1903, page 5
BLOOM, Second Lt. E J; Assistant to Post Quartermaster;
KP-2 November 1905, page 5
BONNAFFON, First Lt. S; Assistant to
Post Adjutant; KP-2 November 1905, page 5
BOSKETTE, Lieut. Alvin K; 3rd
Infantry; visiting from Columbus Barracks; KP-Monday, 19 January 1903, page 7
BOURDEN, Private W A; 3rd Infantry Co L; absent without leave, sentenced to one
month hard labor and forfeit pay; KP-Tuesday, 30 June 1903, page 5
BROWN, Lieut. Thomas W; 27th Infantry; has been detailed on duty as prison
officer at the post; KP-Tuesday, 18 April 1905, page 5
BUZARE, Private John
W, 3rd Infantry Co I; ordered to West Point as a carpenter;
KP-Wednesday, 2 September 1903, page 5
CAMPBELL, Private George; 6th Battery
Field Artillery; dishonorably discharged, forfeiting all pay and allowances, to
serve 18 months at hard labor at Ft Sheridan. KP-Monday, 7 September 1903, page
CARROLL, Sergeant Major Emanuel J; 3rd Infantry Co D;
take charge of prisoner Edward Clements & proceed to Kensington RI; KP-Saturday,
10 January 1903, page 5
CHAFFE, Lieut. General Adna R; Chief of Staff will
leave for Washington Wednesday; KP-Tuesday, 18 April 1905, page 5
Private W G; promoted to Corporal; KP-Tuesday, 26 May 1903, page 5
Lieut. Colonel John D; Artillery Corps; promoted to Major assigned to Coast
Artillery; KP-Tuesday, 11 April 1905, page 8
CLARK, First Lieut. R B; 3rd
Infantry will perform duties of Regimental and Post Quartermaster; KP-Saturday,
30 May 1903, page 5
CLEMENTS, Private Edward; 12th
Co Coast Artillery; general prisoner to be take to Kensington RI; KP-Saturday,
10 January 1903, page 5
CLOUTIER, Junior Color Sergeant, George; 6th Infantry
retired at Ft Leavenworth after a service of 30 years before leaving for
Plattsburg NY was given a gold watch: KP-Monday, 9 February 1903, page 5Sat
COCHRAN, Lieut. Percy M; called from Ft Leavenworth Ks. to St Augustine, where
Mrs. Cochran's death occurred; KP-Saturday, 2 May 1903, page 5
COPE, Corporal
Tobe C; Co A; promoted to Sergeant; KP-Monday, 7 September 1903, page 3
CORNEY, Private Edward B; 3rd Infantry Co C; guilty of conduct to prejudice of
military discipline, dishonorably discharged 2 months confinement; KP-Tuesday,
17 March 1903, page 5
DALTON, Corporal Thomas; 3rd Infantry Co I, returned to
post; KP-Saturday, 2 May 1903, page 5
DESCOMBEES, Private R E; prisoner to Ft
Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
DOBBIN, Private William O; promoted to
be Corporal; KP-Tuesday, 26 May 1903, page 5
DOPPER, Private; 27th Infantry Co C; discharged by
expiration of service, will re-enlist; KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
DOPPLER, Harry; 9th Infantry Co D; discharged by expiration of service;
KP-Tuesday, 18 April 1905, page 5
DWYER, Captain Charles G; 3rd Infantry; granted a
seven days leave of absence. KP-Saturday, 17 January 1903, page 5; relieved from
recruiting service at Indianapolis Ind. will spend a short leave of absence
before return to Ft Thomas; KP-Saturday, 2 May 1903, page 5
EATON, Private Thomas; 14th Infantry Co C, serving 2 1/2
years escaped; KP-Thursday, 30 April 1903, page 1
EBLE, Hospital Steward Charles; Hospital Corps; conduct
Private Henry Karsh 3rd Infantry Co A to Government Hospital Washington DC;
KP-Wednesday, 11 March 1903, page 5
EMERY, 2nd Lieut. Ambrose R; of Indiana;
KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
ENGLISH, Private George R; 3nd Infantry Co
I; lying at the point of death of ulceration of the bowels; KP-Friday, 11
September 1903, page 5
EVERINGTON, Second Lieutenant James W;
appointed Battalion Adjutant to 2nd Battalion; KP-Tuesday, 21 July 1903, page 5
EWELL, Lieut. George W; expected at Ft
Thomas with 28 recruits from Columbus Barracks; KP-Saturday, 17 January 1903,
page 5
FIELDS, Quartermaster Frank, left Friday for Ft Tremont
SC; KP-Saturday, 25 July 1903, page 5
FILMORE, George; 3rd Infantry Co A; guilty of desertion,
dishonorably discharged, 18 months imprisonment at Ft Sheridan Ill.
KP-Wednesday, 14 January 1903, page 5
FISHER, Dr. William C; contract dental
surgeon arrived from Columbus Barracks; KP-Saturday, 14 February1903, page 5
FITZGERALD, Private John F; 3rd Infantry Co D; deserter apprehended in
Cincinnati and brought to post; KP-Thursday, 10 September 1903, page 5
FITZSIMMONS, Sergeant; 27th Infantry Co B; will conduct prisoners to Ft
Sheridan; KP-Friday, 14 April 1905, page 11
FRAZIER, Private Emmett; prisoner
to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
GEOGHAN, Corporal Vincent; promoted to Sergeant Co D;
KP-Tuesday, 26 May 1903, page 5
GIBSON, Lieut. from Columbia Arsenal Tenn. to
attend examinations; KP-Thursday, 23 April 1903, page 5
Paul; months leave of absence visiting in the East; KP-Tuesday, 28 April 1903,
page 5
GOODRICH, Lieut. Paul M; Ninth Infantry; relieved from
Judge Advocate; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
GRACE, Private Walter;
prisoner to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
GREEN, Commissary
Sergeant; ordered for service at St Louis; KP-Friday, 17 April 1903, page 7
GRUBBS, Private William; 19th Co Coast Artillery; guilty of desertion,
dishonorably discharge and 2 years confinement at Ft Sheridan; KP-Wednesday, 22
April 1903, page 5; escaped; KP-Thursday, 30 April 1903, page 1
HARE, Sergeant August; Eighth Infantry; discharged
visiting relatives in upper part of this county. KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905,
page 2
HARVEY, Chief Musician E; re-enlisted Monday. KP-Tuesday, 5 May 1903,
page 5
HELVIE, Private Walter M; 6th Battery Field Artillery;
dishonorably discharged, forfeiting all pay and allowances, to serve 18 months
at hard labor at Ft Sheridan. KP-Monday, 7 September 1903, page 3
HEMPHILL, George; 6th Infantry; non commissioned officer; wounded in
leg in the Philippines, left for Washington DC to have the member amputated;
KP-Monday, 23 February 1903, page 5
HENRY, Private Rhea P; 6th Infantry Co C,
convicted of desertion & sentenced to two years imprisonment at Ft Sheridan;
KP-Monday, 17 August 1903, page 5
HERMANN, Lieut. Charles; returned from
Baltimore after a stay with relatives; KP-Saturday, 3 January 1903, page 5
HOWATT, Sergeant Will; Sixth Infantry Co H; has joined Ninth Infantry Co D for
another tour in the Philippines; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
Private George; discharged to serve six months with forfeiture of $60;
KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
HURST, 1st Lieut. Paul; 3rd Infantry
Battalion Adjutant; leave of absence granted: KP-Tuesday, 12 May 1903,
page 5
HUTCHINSON, 2nd Lieut. A G; in charge of
field day exercises; KP-Wednesday, 28 January 1903, page 5
3rd Infantry; ill at quarters in Ft Thomas; KP-Wednesday, 25 February 1903, page
JACKSON, Private Jefferson; 3rd Infantry Co I; ordered to
West Point as storekeeper; KP-Wednesday, 2 September 1903, page 5
JACKSON, Captain W P; 3rd Infantry; engagement to Julia C
Carr, of Illinois; KP-Saturday, 3 January 1903, page 5; left for Jeffersonville
Ind. to act as member of Board of Survey; KP-Monday, 16 March 1903, page 5;
Quartermaster on leave of absence; KP-Saturday, 30 May 1903, page 5
Private William; re-enlisted for the 3rd and assigned to Co D; KP-Saturday, 1
August 1903, page 5
JOHNSON, Private Earl; 3rd Infantry Co B; ordered to West
Point as laborer; KP-Wednesday, 2 September 1903, page 5
Private Julian P; 101st Co of Coast Artillery, serving 2 years, escaped;
KP-Thursday, 30 April 1903, page 1
JOHNSTONE, First Sergeant; returned from
the range; KP-Tuesday, 26 May 1903, page 5
JONES, Lieut. Carl C; left for Chicago on a two weeks leave of absence;
KP-Saturday, 17 January 1903, page 5; whose marriage occurred in Knoxville Ia.
has arrived with his bride; KP-Monday, 16 March 1903, page 5
JONES, Private
Harry; 117th Company Coast Artillery; Guilty of desertion, dishonorably
discharged; losing pay & will serve hard labor for 18 months; KP-5 April 1905,
page 5
KARSH, Private Henry; 3rd Infantry Co A to Government
Hospital Washington DC; KP-Wednesday, 11 March 1903, page 5
KELLER, Lieut.
returned from garrison duty at Indianapolis; KP-Saturday, 18
April 1903, page 5
KELLEY, Private Daniel; prisoner to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday,
7 July 1903, page 5
G; 27th Infantry Co C; apprehended at Hamilton O. charged with desertion;
KP-Tuesday, 18 April 1905, page 5
KING, John, a recruit; serving 1 year, had
escaped twice; escaped again; KP-Thursday, 30 April 1903, page 1
KIPLINGER, Private Henry; suspended
sentence; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
KIRKMAN, Captain G W 3rd Infantry;
tried by court martial at Ft Niobrara Neb. KP-Saturday, 15 April 1905, page 5
KOCH, First Sergeant; Twenty-seventh Co B; practice march to Cold Springs;
KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
LAWDAKER, Private Elmer; 1st Infantry Co F, attempted
suicide several weeks ago, adjudged insane & will be sent to Government Asylum
in Washington; KP-Saturday, 11 July 1903, page 5
LEWIS, Captain T J; Second Cavalry; recruiting officer at
Louisville Ky. required as a witness before the general court martial:
KP-Tuesday, 11 April 1905, page 8
LOCKWOOD, Private Edward J; 3rd Infantry Co
D; guilty of larceny dishonorably discharge; 6 months prison; KP-Tuesday, 17
March 1903, page 5
LOOP, 2nd Lieut. Chester H Loop; of Tennessee; KP,
Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
LOUDAKER, Private Elmer; 1st Infantry Co F;
guilty of desertion, dishonorably discharge, 1 year confinement at Ft Sheridan;
KP-Wednesday, 22 April 1903, page 5
LOWD, Private John; Ninth Infantry Co A;
transferred to First Infantry Co I, stationed at Allegany Arsenal, Penn;
KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
LOWNY, Private William H; 3rd Infantry Co D,
guilty of absence without leave, dishonorably discharged to 3 months
confinement; KP-Tuesday, 17 March 1903, page 5
MACKLIN, Lieut. Colonel J E; 3rd Infantry; reported for
duty to Indianapolis Ind. KP-Friday, 1 May 1903, page 5
MAHONEY, Private Flem;
22nd Battery Field Artillery; serving 15 months, escaped; KP-Thursday, 30 April
1903, page 1
MARTIN, Private Benjamin F; arrived from Columbus O. barracks
assigned to Co A; KP-Saturday, 25 July 1903, page 5
McCLURE, 2nd Lieut.
Charles W; of Illinois; KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
McCLURE, Private
William S; 3rd Infantry Co K, serving 1 year, escaped; KP-Thursday, 30 April
1903, page 1
McCONNELL, 1st Lieut. R G; 9th Infantry; will have
control of the eatable; KP-Tuesday, 18 April 1905, page 5
McCOY, Captain F A,
transferred to 17th Infantry; KP-Saturday, 18 July 1903, page 5
Sergeant James; 3nd Infantry Co L; ordered to West Point as wagon master;
KP-Wednesday, 2 September 1903, page 5
Third Infantry Co I; transferred to 27th Infantry Co B; KP-Thursday, 13 April
1905, page 2
McDONALD, Lieut. Edward; 24th Infantry; visiting his parents in
the Highlands; KP-Thursday, 8 January 1903, page 5
McGUNNEGLE, Major sent to
Vancouver Barracks, Washington; KP-Monday, 16 February 1903, page 5
Private Garfield; guilty of desertion, sentenced to dishonorable discharge,
forfeiting all pay and to serve at hard labor for one year; KP-Tuesday, 18 April
1905, page 5
McRAE, Sergeant John; Signal Corps; wife of arrived Saturday
from New York and with her husband is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey at the
post; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
McINTYRE, Lieut. Samuel; Sixth
Infantry; stationed at post after arrival from the Philippines; KP-Monday, 10
April 1905, page 8
MERRILL, Lieut. Walter; on temporary duty at post ordered
to Ft Wayne to join his regiment; KP-Tuesday, 26 May 1903, page 5
Private John P; 3rd Infantry Coast Artillery; desertion, sentenced to
dishonorable discharge, forfeit all pay and serve 18 months at Ft Sheridan Ill.
KP-Tuesday, 30 June 1903, page 5
MILLER, Captain Charles; 3rd Infantry
has left for Knoxville to inspect the University of Tennessee; KP-Thursday, 4
June 1903, page 5
MILLER, Private William A; arrived from Columbus O.
barracks assigned to Co C; KP-Saturday, 25 July 1903, page 5
Sergeant Major Herbert; 3rd Infantry Co L; discharged Monday; KP-Tuesday,
12 May 1903, page 5
MOORE, Private John; 27th Infantry Co C; granted furlough
for two months to visit home; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
Sergeant John G; of the band granted a furlough for three months; KP-Tuesday, 21
July 1903, page 5
Al C; 27th Infantry Co C; granted a furlough to visit relatives in Kentucky;
KP-5 April 1905, page 5
MUELLER, Private John; 3rd Infantry Co G; discharged,
left for St Paul Minn. his old home; KP-Thursday, 7 May 1903, page 5
NASH, Norton S, Military Telegraph Corps; granted a two
months furlough for his old home at Ogdensburg NY; KP-Thursday, 16 July 1903,
page 5
NAVE, Chaplain Orville J; returned from Mt Park, Maryland; KP-Monday,
7 September 1903, page 3; gave entertainment at the gym;
KP-Saturday, 15 April 1905, page 5
NESBIT, Captain William; Fourth Infantry; stationed at
post after arrival from the Philippines; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
NEWMAN, Captain William; brief stay with Captain W R Sample of the Third;
KP-Wednesday, 27 May 1903, page 5
NICHOLS, Captain; Co L; will command post
during absence of Commander; KP-Wednesday, 29 April 1903, page 5
ORCHARD, Lieut. S C; 3rd Infantry; returned from southern
Illinois; KP-25 March 1903; page 5
OSSMAN, Private Gus, 3rd Infantry Co L;
ordered to West Point as a carpenter; KP-Wednesday, 2 September
1903, page 5
OWEN, Assistant Surgeon; to accompany Co A & D 9th
Infantry to the Philippines; KP-Saturday, 15 April 1905, page 5
PAULDING, Major; appointed summoning court officer;
KP-Monday, 16 February 1903, page 5
PEARSON, Private Major; 116th Company
Coast Artillery; dishonorable discharged, losing all pay and serves 18 months at
hard labor; KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
PHELAN, Private Anthony; 3rd
Infantry Co K; drunkenness, sentenced to dishonorable discharge, forfeit all pay
and serve three months; KP-Tuesday, 30 June 1903, page 5
PHILLIPS, Sergeant William;
Quartermaster Sergeant; 2nd Infantry stationed at Ft Logan Colo. KP-Tuesday, 18
April 1905, page 5
PHILPOT, Private John A; 27th Infantry Co C; discharged by
expiration of service; KP-5 April 1905, page 5
PITKIN, Private Harry C; 3rd
Infantry Co C; alleged deserter to be tried; KP-Monday, 7 September 1903, page 3
PITURNO, Private Frank; 3rd
Infantry Co A; promoted to Corporal; KP-Tuesday, 12 May 1903, page 5
POND, Lieut. George B; appointed General Court Martial; KP-Saturday, 11 April
1903, page 8; granted leave of absence; KP-Thursday, 28 May 1903, page 8
PRICE, Captain Butler; 2nd Infantry, expected to arrive for supervising the
loading and shipment of property; prisoner to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903,
page 5
PURDY, Captain Clarence N;
First Infantry; on sick leave from his station in Michigan; KP-Tuesday, 11 April
1905, page 8
RAGSDALE, Captain R O; appointed Judge Advocate:
KP-Saturday, 11 April 1903, page 8
REED, Private George; deserter to be
tried by court martial here; KP-Thursday, 16 July 1903, page 5
REES, 1st Lt.
Robert T; leave of absence for three months; KP-Saturday, 25 July 1903, page 5
REEVES, Captain Horace A; transferred to 3rd Infantry; KP-Saturday, 18 July
1903, page 5
RETHERS, Captain Harry F; Ninth Infantry; detailed by
Major Howe, commanding as a board of officers to make arrangements and prepare a
program for the next monthly field day April 19; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page
ROLL, Corporal George; went to Lexington Ky. to bring back a deserter;
KP-Thursday, 17 September 1903, page 5
SAMPLE, Captain W R, 3rd Infantry Adjutant; left Monday
for Huntington Tenn. KP-Tuesday, 12 May 1903, page 5
SANFORD, Charles M; 79th Co Coast Artillery; deserter,
dishonorably discharged, 18 months imprisonment at Ft Sheridan Ill.
KP-Wednesday, 14 January 1903, page 5
SARWA, Private Peter; recruiting
service; left yesterday for his station at Lexington Ky. KP-5 April 1905, page 5
SAVELLE, Captain Matthew E; 27th Infantry; left for Frankfort Ky. inspecting
troops of the national guard of the State; KP-5 April 1905, page 5
Private; 21st Battery, Field Artillery; charged with desertion; KP-Monday, 10
April 1905, page 8
SEXTON, Sergeant Clarence; 8th Infantry Co M; home after
two years of service in Philippines and Alaska; KP-Thursday, 22 January 1903,
page 5
SHARP, 1st Lieutenant Bernard; leave of absence for two months;
KP-Saturday, 25 July 1903, page 5
SHAW, Lieut. George C; Judge Advocate of court; KP-Monday, 10 April
1905, page 8
SHIFFEAR, Private George; prisoner to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7
July 1903, page 5
SHOEWALTER, Frank A; 2nd Infantry Co A; discharged from Ft Logan
Colo. visiting friends; KP, Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
SMITH, 2nd Lieut.
Allen; time keeper of field day exercises: KP-Wednesday, 28 January 1903, page 5
SMITH, Lieut. Allen; 3rd Infantry; granted a seven days leave of absence;
KP-Friday, 27 February 1903, page 5
SMITH, First Lt. Anderson F; Second Indiana National
Guard; Class in Garrison School for Officers; KP-2 November 1905,
page 5
SMITH, Private Charles; 27th Infantry Co B; served with Sixth Infantry
in Cuba, re-enlisting under fire July 3, 1898, in front of Santiago, was
discharged by expiration of service: KP-Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
SMITH, First Lieut. Fred E; 3rd Infantry detailed as Judge Advocate of the
general court martial; KP-Thursday, 28 May 1903, page 8
Lieut. Keeland S; 9th Infantry; appointed judge for April field day; KP-Friday,
14 April 1905, page 11
SPOHN, Corporal Harry C; Nineteenth Infantry Co F;
Guilty of desertion, dishonorably discharged; losing pay & will serve hard labor
for 18 months ; KP-5 April 1905, page 5
STANTON, Lieut. Edwin M; 13th
Infantry; arrives at Ft Thomas for duty; KP-Tuesday, 13 January 1903, page 5
STAPLETON, Sergeant David; 27th Infantry Co C; granted furlough for two months
to visit home; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page 8
STONE, 2nd Lieutenant William
F; assigned to Co F at Columbus Barracks; KP-Tuesday, 21 July 1903, page 5
STOUT, Private Homer;
Hospital Corps; conduct Private Henry Karsh 3rd Infantry Co A to Government
Hospital Washington DC; KP-Wednesday, 11 March 1903, page 5
Corporal Wilson F; 3rd Infantry Co B; robbed of $29 Wednesday night; KP-Friday,
11 September 1903, page 5
P E; prisoner to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
Lieutenant Frederick H; leave of absence extended one month; KP-Saturday, 25
July 1903, page 5
WATSON, Corporal Elliott, Co K; arrived Friday from
Columbus Arsenal Tenn. KP-Monday, 7 September 1903, page 3
THOMPSON, Private G W; prisoner to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday,
7 July 1903, page 5
THREIKELD, Captain H L; assistant to Major Phister;
KP-Saturday, 18 July 1903, page 5
TRAVIS, Private Harry; prisoner to Ft
Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
TULLY, Private Thomas; Ninth Infantry; charged with
desertion from his regiment. KP-Saturday, 15 April 1905, page 5
UNDERHILL, Private E; Company G; Instructor in Post School; KP-2 November 1905, page 5
VAN DUYNE, First Lt. Frederick W; Prepare a regiment
history of the Fourth Infantry; KP-2 November 1905, page 5
VAN HOFF, Colonel
John R; Medical department proceed to Manchuria to join the Russian army; KP,
Thursday, 13 April 1905, page 2
VERBER, Private Edgar, 3rd Infantry Co B,
ordered to West Point as a clerk; KP-Wednesday, 2 September 1903,
page 5
VEZEY, Corporal; Co L; $246 stolen from his
private locker; KP-Saturday, 10 January 1903, page 5
WALKEMAN, Major W J; been ordered to West Point Ky. as
Surgeon of the Third Regiment; KP-Thursday, 17 September 1903, page 5
WALD, Sergeant Charles; Co A, to proceed to Johnson City
Tenn. and receive an alleged deserter from 3rd Co, Coast Artillery; KP-Saturday,
30 May 1903, page 5
WALKER, Lieut. P E M; 3rd Infantry; in Jefferson Ind.
till end of week; KP-Saturday, 21 March 1903, page 5
WALL, Surgeon Francis M;
was relieved from duty and leaves for Columbus Barracks. KP-Tuesday, 12 May
1903, page 5
WATSON, Corporal Elliott; 3rd Infantry Co K; has returned to the
Columbia Arsenal after being a witness in a court martial; KP-Thursday, 17
September 1903, page 5
WHITE, Sergeant Forrest A; arrived at post Monday to be examined
for 1st class Sergeant of the Hospital Corps; KP-Tuesday, 5 May 1903, page 5
WHITING, Lieut. Deshler; Ninth Infantry; detailed by
Major Howe, commanding as a board of officers to make arrangements and prepare a
program for the next monthly field day April 19; KP-Monday, 10 April 1905, page
WHITMAN, Captain Frank H; been appointed instructor at West Point:
KP-Wednesday, 1 April 1903, page 5
WHITMORE, Private John; prisoner to Ft
Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
WILLINGHAM, Private Theo L; prisoner
to Ft Wayne; KP-Tuesday, 7 July 1903, page 5
WILSON, Private Charles D; 28th
Battery Field Artillery, convicted of desertion & sentenced to two years
imprisonment at Ft Sheridan; KP-Monday, 17 August 1903, page 5
WILSON, Private Harry R; Twelfth
Cavalry Troop C; reported to post and returned to San Antonia Tex; KP-12 May
1903, page 5
WYGANT, Lieut. H S; on leave returned; KP-Saturday, 17 January 1903, page 5
WYGANT, 1st Lt. resignation as Adjutant of the Third Battalion, entered staff
service at Ft Leavenworth Kas.; KP-Wednesday, 2 September 1903,
page 5
WYLEY, First Sergeant Alexander; retired; accepted a position at Little Rock
Ark. KP-Tuesday, 11 April 1905, page 8