Private Floyd Harrod

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 April 1904, page 8

Because he claims his own uncle gave him up to the United States authorities, Private Floyd Harrod lies in the guardhouse at Ft Thomas, awaiting a trial by court martial for alleged desertion. The circumstances of Harrod's case are most unusual.  When seen at the guardhouse Wednesday afternoon, Harrod talked freely of his troubles. He said he enlisted at Frankfort Ky. two years ago and after serving seven months in the army as a private became disgusted and decided to quit.

After leaving he went back to Frankfort, where he lived with his family. His father, John S Harrod, is a prominent lawyer at Frankfort. He made no effort to conceal the fact that he had deserted but thought himself safe among the home folks. For nearly two years he remained at home.

My uncle, Davis Harrod, is Town Marshal at Frankfort and in some way he must have learned that there was a reward offered for me.. He told me Tuesday that he was going to take me back to Ft Thomas with him. I thought he was only joking. We came on to Cincinnati and he brought me out to the fort and gave me up to the officers. I made no effort to resist, because I didn't care. I knew that my uncle wanted to notify the post where I was, it was up to him, but I never believed he meant to surrender me. I cannot understand his conduct at all. He had every opportunity before to give me up and didn't. It looks like he didn't know there was a reward for me until a short time ago and then gave me up to claim the money."

Harrod will not be given a trial for at least a month yet and will probably get a pretty heavy dose for staying away for so long. The Government reward for the capture of deserters is $30 and expense money. The uncle's side of the affair could not be learned, as he was not at Ft Thomas.


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