Flora Westrop

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 March 1905, page 5


Coroner Higgins stated this morning that there would be a criminal prosecution to follow in the death of Mrs. Flora Westrop, 28, wife of Arthur Westrop, of 619 East Fourth st. Newport, which occurred Monday night. The Coroner stated that the result of the inquest held by him showed that the woman died from neglect, and that under the common law her husband is liable for criminal prosecution.

The woman died Monday night after having given birth to a fine healthy baby. From the time the child was born until very shortly before the woman died, she lay without medical attention, and during that time suffered with hemorrhages that Coroner Higgins says caused death. The husband was present but would not call in a physician. Neighbors heard the baby cry and not having seen a physician enter or leave the premises, went in to see how the mother was getting along. They found her in a precarious condition and insisted that a doctor be sent for. Dr. Graessie was called but the woman was beyond medical aid and died in a very few minutes.

Westrop draws a good salary from the Donaldson Lithographing Company as an artist. When asked by Coroner Higgins why he did not call a physician, he said that while a resident of Chicago , he had studied into natural processes, and had come to the conclusion that the medical men were all wrong in their treatment of cases of childbirth. He denied being a believer in faith cure or Christian Science.

The couple had been married six years and this is their first child. The babe was taken in charge by Mrs. Theim, who lives across the street from the Westrop home.


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