Fred James Fire

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 February 1903, page 3

In the bitter cold and blinding snow the firemen of Bellevue fought a fire Wednesday morning at the home of Fred James at Walnut Street and Taylor Avenue. The house is the property of John Butcher and James occupies the second floor. The ground floor is occupied by Butcher's son-in-law, Edward Braun and when the fire was discovered Mrs. Braun was asleep.

When awakened she started at once to save what household goods she could, but the flames were bursting from the ceiling of the rooms and it was with difficulty that she escaped with her life. The James family also had a narrow escape and were unable to save any of their furniture.

The Fire Department worked heroically and succeeded in saving an adjoining house which also belongs to Butcher. The water froze almost as fast as it came from the nozzles and the men several times were compelled to drop their work. Mr. Butcher places his loss at $2500, which is partially covered by insurance. The loss to the James, who lost everything, will be total, as he has not a cent of insurance on his household goods.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 February 1903, page 5

Several of the volunteer firemen who assisted in extinguishing the blaze at Butcher's house on Walnut Street and Taylor Avenue Wednesday morning, were on the sick list Thursday the result of exposure. Otto Thiele and Frank Fuchs are laid up with their hands frostbitten and several others are suffering from colds.


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