Fannie McGeary

Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 May 1903, page 5

Fannie McGeary filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court in Newport Tuesday against Albert McGeary, L S and Emma McGeary and the Licking Valley Building Association. In her petition she alleges that after living with her husband for 36 years, she was compelled in June 1902, to leave him because of inhuman treatment.

She made the charge her husband entered into a conspiracy with the son and daughter in law, Albert and Emma McGeary, by which he deeded them their home on Central Avenue, between Tenth and Eleventh Streets, and after the transfer was made, persecuted her cruelly; their intention was to drive her out and that although she is past 68 years of age, she was compelled to support herself. She asks that L S McGeary, her husband, be required to pay for her maintenance and the conveyance of the real estate be set aside; that it be sold and she be awarded a sum as alimony out of the sale. Faber & Warren are the attorneys.


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