Ezra Hardin and Mary Amanda Kilpatrick

Information comes from various sources, newspapers, census, marriage and burial records.

Ezra Hardin Kilpatrick was born 16 July 1840 in Augusta, Bracken Co Ky. the son of Richard Kilpatrick and Sallie Schrotff. Richard Kilpatrick was born in Georgetown Ohio, and Sallie Schrotff was born in Augusta Ky. During the Civil War he enlisted in the Union Army in Indiana serving in the 11th Infantry Regiment. This regiment was organized in April 1861, for three months service, was mustered in on April 25, and on May 8 transferred to Evansville for blockade duty along the Ohio River.

A somewhat dramatic incident occurred upon the day the regiment left Indianapolis for the front.  The patriotic women of that city presented it with a handsome stand of colors and when Colonel Wallace received it, he turned to the men and said in his most impressive ton, "Now remember Buena Vista boys, and on our knees let us swear to defend this flag with the last drop of our blood." Every man in the regiment, including Wallace himself, dropped to his knees and the colonel repeated the following oath;

"We pledge ourselves before God and these our fellow country men, to defend this flag with our lives, and to die for it if necessary, God being our helper. Amen." A solemn Amen came in one breath from the regiment and the subsequent history of the gallant 11th shows how well the oath was kept. It was ordered to Virginia, leaving June 7 and reached Romney on the 11th.  It attacked the town but the main body of the enemy had fled an hour before, leaving but a few stragglers.

The regiment encamped at Cumberland and on June 26, a body of mounted scouts, 13 in number, attacked 41 of the enemy and routed them, killing 8.  They were in turn attacked at the Potomac River by a body of 75 men, but fell back to a strong position and held it until dark.

The regiment moved in July to Martinsburg, W VA, thence to Bunker Hill and Harper's Ferry.  It was mustered out at Indianapolis Aug 2, 1861.

After the Civil War, Ezra met and married Mary Amanda Johnson in Cincinnati on 31 Oct 1871.  Mary was born 5 Feb 1844 in Montgomery, Hamilton Co Oh, the daughter of John Johnson Charlotte Robinson. They returned to Ezra's home town of Augusta where their son was born.  Right after the birth of their son, Ezra and Mary moved to Newport Ky. where he was became a practicing attorney. He was elected County Attorney in August 1887.

Child of Ezra Hardin Kilpatrick and Mary Amanda Johnson

Nathaniel S Johnson Kilpatrick b-2 Jan 1884 in Augusta Ky. d-12 Nov 1945 in Ft Thomas Ky. m-Hazel Mae Sivers 30 Oct 1919 in Newport; no known children.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Monday, 28 July 1884, page 7

Mrs. Kilpatrick of Newport arrived home yesterday from Augusta.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 29 May 1888, page 2

Lena Weber was fined $1 and costs by Esquire Buchman last night for using insulting language to Emma Clephaut. Miss Weber only paid the fine and this made County Attorney Kilpatrick of Newport, hot and now he threatens to attach her wages to get his costs.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Sunday, 1 November 1896, page 6

The first Democratic meeting held at John's Hill, south of Newport, was the one of last night, and it was the best and largest held in that voting precinct.  County Attorney Ramsey Washington and Colonel E H Kilpatrick were the speakers and thoroughly enthused the people on the bimetallic standard, as declared the fundamental principle of Democracy.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 11 October 1898, page 8

Circuit Court-The indictment against Phillips and Mulver, charge with assaulting and robbing Michael Bauer, were nullified yesterday on a demurrer filed by Newport Attorney Kilpatrick, who alleged that the indictment was defective.  The grand jury reported another indictment, which was also proved to be defective and was also nullified.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 11 May 1901, page 10

The First Temple Society of Spiritualist Newport, has elected the following officers: President, E Crawley Sr. Vice President, H F Stillman; Treasurer, Mrs. E V Mason; Secretary, Mrs. Sarah Charles; Trustees, Ed Crawley Sr. H F Stillman, Jonathan Barnes, John Mason, E H Kilpatrick, Will Neri, Mrs. Neri, Miss Mason and Mrs. Charles.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 9 July 1901, page 8

There was an exciting scene in Attorney E H Kilpatrick's office on East Fourth street Newport, yesterday morning.  The principals in the tiff were the attorney and Colonel Robert Crigler.  Some time ago the latter retained Kilpatrick to file a suit against a party for a debt.  Judgment for the amount was obtained, but it developed that owing to the transfer of property the claim could not be collected.

Yesterday morning Colonel Crigler went to Kilpatrick's office to see about collecting the money. During the interview Kilpatrick claims that Crigler used insulting language, whereupon the doughty lawyer reached down in his rear pocket and drew a thirteen inch gun. Kilpatrick says that he would have killed the Colonel if he had moved from his chair.  Colonel Crigler is the well known Covington whisky man.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 5 November 1902, page 8

Attorney E H Kilpatrick, representing the mother of Jacob Love, fled charges against Patrolman William Cassidy yesterday, alleging that he violated his oath of office in aiding, abetting and dictating to others to violate the law of the state and ordinances of the city.  It is charged that on the night of October 9, Jacob Love, a wienerwurst dealer, became engaged in an altercation with John Faber at Third and Saratoga streets, that the officer advised the boys to go to the school house yard an fight it out, and that he would watch the sandwiches.  Faber was worsted in the fight that ensued and Love was arrested.  Chief of Police Smith will present the charges to the commissioners tonight.  Cassidy, who denies the charge, has proved an efficient officer.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 21 January 1903, page 9

Attorney E H Kilpatrick, who has been retained by members of the Newport Board of Education, has prepared an opinion relative to the controversy that has arisen as to the eligibility of George Leonard to sit as a member of the Board.  Attorney Kilpatrick takes the same stand as did Mr. McChesney, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Attorney General Pratt.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Tuesday, 4 January 1916, page 7

Funeral services for Ezra H Kilpatrick, prominent attorney, who died suddenly Sunday morning, will be held at 1 o o'clock this afternoon from his residence 22 East Fourth street.  Circuit Judge Otto Wolff appointed attorneys T P Carothers, George Herold and James Wright a committee to draft resolutions on the death of the barrister.


Ezra Hardin Kilpatrick died 2 January 1916 in Newport and was buried in the Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Cemetery in Cincinnati Ohio.  Mary Amanda Kilpatrick died 28 May 1926 in Ft Thomas and was buried in the Pleasant Ridge Presbyterian Cemetery.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 January 1916, page 2

Service for Ezra H Kilpatrick, who died Sunday, was held from the home, 22 East Fourth st. Newport Tuesday afternoon.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 5 January 1916, page 1

Lifelong friends of Attorney Ezra H Kilpatrick acted as pallbearers at his funeral from his residence 22 East Fourth st. Newport, Tuesday afternoon. They were: John Howe, Capt. John Link, William Lauder and Thomas Hays. The body was interred in the cemetery at Pleasant Ridge O.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 January 1916, page 2

The Campbell co. Bar Association passed resolutions Saturday on death of late Ezra H Kilpatrick, prominent Newport attorney.


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