Captain Evan Southgate

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 6 June 1860, page 2

Democratic Meeting

At a large and well-attended meeting of the Democracy of Campbell County at the Court house in Alexandria on Monday, June 4, on motion of E D Southgate, Esq. Hon F A Boyd was called to the chair and Gus Artsman chosen Secretary.

On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft and report resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting via: Messrs. E D Southgate, J M McArthur, T W W DeCoursey and J H Nelson.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, Wednesday, 19 November 1862, page 2


DEATH OF A NEWPORT REBEL-We learn that Evan Southgate, of this city, who was a guerrilla Captain in the rebel service, died recently of his wounds received in a skirmish.  He was on his way to Vicksburg at the time of his death.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, Thursday, 11 December 1862, page 3

BROUGHT HOME-The body of Evan Southgate, who died a short time ago on a steamboat a short distance below Cairo, while being conveyed to Vicksburg for exchange, has been brought to Newport for interment.

Deceased was a Captain in the rebel army we believe.


Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Thursday, 11 December 1862, page 3

The body of Evan Southgate of Newport, who was Captain of a rebel guerrilla company, and who died a few weeks ago on a steamboat between Cairo and Memphis, while on route to Vicksburg to be exchanged was brought to Newport yesterday for interment.


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