
Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 July 1907, page 5

Little Eugene Kaercher, 3, 120 West Thirteenth st. Newport, who has held all records for narrow escapes from death, Wednesday narrowly escaped drowning when he fell into the cistern at his home. For a long time the boy has been the talk of the neighborhood on account of accidents. Last February he was run over by a dairy wagon while playing in the street. He was pulled from under the wagon unconscious and his mother hurried him to the Good Samaritan Hospital.

The physicians were amazed to find that beyond a black bruise where the wagon wheel had passed over the little fellow's body the lad was unhurt. A month ago when he was not yet 3 years old, a grocery wagon cam down Thirteenth st. just as Eugene started across. The driver pulled his horses back until they stood on their hind feet. The front hoofs passed within an inch of Eugene's head. The lad ran away smiling.

His escapes from cyclists have been numerous. Time and time again he has been run over, once by a motor cycle, only to get up with a few scratches and bruises. His little sister, Marie, 12, had to be sent to the country, a nervous wreck from continued worry over him after Wednesday's accident. His father, who is a motorman for the CN&C a short time ago bought a load of sand for him to play with so he would stay off the street, yet his fall into the cistern proves that even at home he is not immune.

His mother heard him cry as he fell in and dragged him out but save for a wetting he was none the worse for his fall. Thursday he was again running around on the street under the constant eye of his mother.


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