Emma Parnell

Cincinnati Enquirer, Wednesday, 22 April 1908, page 9


Mrs. Parnell, widow of Michael Parnell, residing at 712 Sixth avenue, Dayton Ky. was burned to death at her home yesterday morning in precisely the same manner as was Mrs. Danks about 12 hours earlier at he home on Vine street, Newport.

Mrs. Parnell, since the death of her husband several months ago, has been caring on his business. Yesterday morning she attempted to kindle a fire in the barroom stove with the aid of kerosene. A terrific explosion ensued that blew the coal oil can to pieces and scattered the burning oil all over Mrs. Parnell. The woman ran into the yard, enveloped in flamers. Joseph Link sitting in the barroom at the time, seized his coat and ran after Mrs. Parnell, but was unable to overtake the woman, who by this time was a living torch, was rushing around the yard.

Captain Grapevine heard the explosion and yelled to Mrs. Parnell to roll on the ground. She did this but her apparel by this time was entirely burned from her body and in places the skin was dropping off. She was hurried to Speers Hospital where she died in agony after 1 pm yesterday.

Mrs. Parnell was 38 years of age. Her husband was found dead at the bottom of a flight of stairs leading to his sleeping apartment seven months ago. He was stricken when he had reached the top of the steps and fell to his death. Mrs. Parnell's body was removed to Cummingham's undertaking establishment where it was prepared for burial.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Thursday, 23 April 1908, page 9


The funeral of Mrs. Mike Parnell, whose death was caused by burns received while attempting to light a fire with coal oil at her home in Dayton, will take place this afternoon with services at the residence, 712 Second avenue. Rev Emigholz will officiate and the remains will be interred beside those of her husband at Evergreen Cemetery.


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