Dr. Emily Rogers Hess


Kentucky Post, Sunday, 20 April 1930, page 6

MISS EMILY ROGERS HESS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wentworth Hess, Mayo av. Ft Thomas, who is a student at the University of Cincinnati, where she is majoring in chemistry, will be graduated in June. She was recently initiated in the honorary chemistry sorority.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 July 1931, page 4

Miss Anna Campbell is leaving Tuesday accompanied by a number of young girls for the Y camp at Burlington Ky. which will be held for two weeks. Among the junior officers are Miss Emily Hess who will instruct the girls in nature study.


Kentucky Post, Sunday, 3 April 1932, page 2

MISS EMILY ROGERS HESS, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wentworth Hess, Ft Thomas, has received a signal honor in her appointment to membership in Sigma Xi, national honorary society for the promotion of scientific research. Miss Hess, who is completing her sixth years of study at the University of Cincinnati, where she is a graduate assistant in the chemistry laboratory, has received her A B degree and now is work for her Master's degree. Miss Hess was a member of the 1926 graduating class of Highland High School.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 February 1934, page 4

Miss Emily Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hess of Mayo av. is in New Haven, Con.. where she is taking a special course of study in soils chemistry at Yale University. After receiving her A B degree at the University of Cincinnati, Miss Hess specialized in chemistry and in 1931 was awarded a Master's degree.

While a student at the University she won special recognition in her work and was elected to membership in the Sigma Xi honorary science fraternity and Iota Sigma Pi, woman's chemistry fraternity. she is now working for a PhD degree in botany.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 July 1934, page 4

Miss Emily Hess, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hess, of Mayo av. has returned from Columbus O. where she took a special course in soil chemistry at the Ohio State University.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 19 July 1934, page 4

Her previous training will serve her in good stead this month when Miss Emily Hess, Ft Thomas, takes up her duties as associate director of Camp Ernst for the two weeks beginning July 23. A graduate of Highlands High School, Miss Hess holds a Batchelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree from the University of Cincinnati. She expects to receive her Doctor of Philosophy degree next year at the University of Cincinnati, where she now is instructor in the Botany Department.

Majoring in soil study, Miss Hess has the distinction of being one of a very small group of women in this country to undertake this difficult study and the only one in this vicinity.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 January 1935, page 5

Miss Emily Hess of Mayo avenue left Sunday for Richmond Ky. where she will enter Eastern State Teachers College for the next semester.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 August 1935, page 2

Miss Emily Hess has been named general science teacher on the Highlands High School faculty in Ft Thomas. She is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 1 May 1937, page 2

Chaperoned by Joe W Austin and Miss Emily Hess, faculty members, students of the Highlands High School are attending the state meeting of the Junior Academy of Science in Louisville.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 February 1938, page 2

Members of Radium Chapter, Iota Sigma Pi Soroity of the Women's National Honorary Chemical Society, entertained with a tea Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Emily Hess, 141 Mayo avenue.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 2 August 1938, page 2

Mrs. Howard W Hess of Mayo avenue is leaving Tuesday for Madison Wisc. to join her daughter Miss Emily Hess, who is taking a post graduate course of study at the University of Wisconsin.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 14 January 1944, page 4

Dr. Emily Hess, Ft Thomas physician, will speak on Child Care During Wartime Emergency at 2:30 pm Monday, when she will be the guest speaker at the meeting of the Ruth Moyer School PTA.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 March 1944, page 4

Dr. Emily Hess, Ft Thomas physician, will deliver a lecture on Health at the meeting of the Newport Women's Club at 8 pm Thursday at the St John Evangelical and Reformed Church, Newport.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 15 May 1944, page 2

AD-At Home, Emily Rogers Hess MD, 831 N Ft Thomas Ave. III 2876.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 March 1957, page 6

Dr. Emily R Hess, Ft Thomas, will take part in a five day course on Psychiatry in Occupational Health for physicians starting Monday at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 November 1957, page 6

Local physicians who spoke at the Institute on Heart Disease on various phases of heart treatment included Dr. Emily Hess of Ft Thomas.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 22 January 1958, page 8

Goodwill Rehabilittion services were outlined to representatives of other northern Kentucky social agencies Tuesday. Representatives included: Dr. Emily Hess, medical director; Jean Kuhlman, occupational therapy; Mildred Hallett, social services and Florence Bailey, physical therapy.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 August 1959, page 2

Dr. Emily Hess of Ft Thomas, is departing Wednesday for California, where she will pursue a years post graduate course in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Rancho los Amigos, near Los Angeles. Dr. Hess has served the past four years as medical director of the Ohio Valley Good Will Rehabilitation Center, Woodlawn O. Dr. Hess who is contemplating establishing herself in her profession in California, closed her office in Ft Thomas a year ago after practicing here for 12 years.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 30 January 1982, page 23


"I thoroughly enjoy the practice of medicine, its something I have always wanted to do and now that I am, I don't intend to quit until I can't walk anymore." So says Dr. Emily Hess, who can't remember a time in her 73 years when she didn't want to be a physician, and who can't imagine what she would do with her time if she were ever to retire from a career in physical and rehabilitation medicine that has taken her from the coal mines of Eastern Kentucky to the directorship of the Department of Rehabilitation at Good Samaritan Hospital.

One of eight women to graduate from the University of Medicine in 1943.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 21 August 1991, page 68

Dr. Emily Rogers Hess, 83, of Ft Thomas, died Sunday at Good Samaritan Hospital. She was a retired doctor of physiatrics, a physician specializing in healing using natural means such as physical therapy. Dr. Hess was founder of the Good Samaritan Hospital Rehabilitation Center in 1964 and before that was director of rehabilitation at the Harlan Memorial Hospital in Harlan Ky. from 1961 to 1964. She knew all along, from the time she was 7 years old, she was going to be a medical doctor.

She was the first woman to earn the Daniel Drake Humanitarian Award and in 1982 was on of the Enquirer's Women of the Year. Mayor Charles Luken declared Sep 14, 1987 as Dr. Emily Hess Day and she received the Gold Key Award for service to the handicapped in 1988.


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