Elwood Leroy Ortlieb


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 February 1944, page 1

Mr. and Mrs. John Ortlieb, of Cold Spring, received a telegram Friday telling them that their son, Pvt. Elwood Ortlieb, 19, has been missing in action in Italy since Jan 26. Attached to an infantry unit, Pvt. Ortlieb entered the service March 30, 1943, and has been overseas since September of that year. He received his training at Camp Wheeler Ga. and Ft. Bliss Tex.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 4 July 1944, page 1

Pvt. Elwood L Ortlieb, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ortlieb, Alexandria pike, Cold Spring, was killed in action in Italy Jan 26, his parents were advised Tuesday by the War Department. Pvt. Ortlieb had been overseas since last October aand had taken part in the Italian campaign. Pvt. Ortlieb attended St John School, Johns Hill. He was a nephew of Frank Ortlie, who served many years as police chief of Dayton.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 August 1944, page 1

Pvt. Elwood L Ortlieb, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ortlieb, of Cold Spring, previously listed as missing in action, was reported killed in action. A member of the infantry, Pvt. Ortlieb has been in the Army since March 1943, and has been stationed on overseas duty since September 1943. He was listed as missin in action on Jan 26, 1944.


Elwood Ortlieb was buried in the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial in Nettuno, Cittą Metropolitana di Roma Capitale, Lazio, Italy.


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