Ellen Phillips

Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 10 August 1900, page 12


There was a frightful accident at Ft Thomas last evening that will result in the death of the little three year old daughter of Sergeant Phillips of the Second Infantry. Phillips, his wife and little daughter reside in Hillsboro, near the parade grounds. Last night Mrs. Phillips was preparing supper on a gasoline stove. She attempted to replenish the gasoline tank without extinguishing the flame in the stove and the contents of the can in her hands caught fire from the stove.

The flames were enveloping her face and the upper part of her body when, in an ecstasy of pain and failing to see her daughter playing in the year, she threw the can from her. It struck the child and the blazing gasoline enveloped the girl. In an instant the little girl was horribly burned. Neighbors hear the mother's screams and rushing in found the child literally roasted.

Luckily Dr. Herman of Newport, was passing in his buggy and he immediately rendered assistance. A painter carrying a can of linseed oil and the suffering lot was swathed in cotton and oil. The father was attending regimental parade at the time but was notified and allowed to go home. Mrs. Phillips was badly burned about the face but will recover.

The little girl died last evening shortly after Dr. Herman arrived at the home on his second trip. Coroner Higgins was notified and will hold an inquest on the remains today. The father of the child is Corporal of Company F Second United States Infantry, one of those ordered to Frisco for service in China.


Cincinnati Enquirer, Saturday, 11 August 1900, page 15


Coroner M Higgins went to Ft Thomas yesterday and held an inquest over the remains of the little daughter of Sergeant Phillips, who was burned to death Thursday night. The coroner found the facts to be essentially as related in yesterday Enquirer and rendered a verdict of death from accidental burning.

The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. The mother of the child is badly burned about the hands but her injuries will not result seriously.


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