Ella Keeney

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 23 June 1903, page 5


Mrs. Ella Keeney, 50, wife of Dr. ? W Keeney, died suddenly Monday evening at the home on York Street, Newport. Two weeks ago she suffered a stroke of apoplexy and there was a recurrence, with fatal effects. She had been around during the day and last night complained of being ill. She went to lie down and died in a few minutes.

She had resided in Newport for 30 years and three sons, Dr. Palmer, Chester and Raymond Keeney, survive her.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 June 1903, page 5


The funeral of Mrs. Ella Keeney, wife of Dr. E W Keeney, took place Thursday with services at the family residence, 717 York Street. Rev Dr. Whitehead, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, officiating. The remains were interred at Evergreen Cemetery.


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