Elizabeth Exeler


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 2 August 1862, page 2


TERRIBLE ACCIDENT-A little girl named Elizabeth Exler, whose parents reside on Roberts street between Jefferson and Mayo, went into the flouring mill of Messrs. Hengelbrock & Co on the corner of Monmouth & Madison streets, about 7 1/2 o'clock yesterday morning for the purpose of obtaining some meal.

While stepping across a shaft which runs parallel with the floor, and about two feet above it, her clothes became entangled in one of the couplings. She was instantly dragged under and around the shaft and mutilated in a most horrible manner. Her left arm was completely torn from its socket and severed from the body. Her left leg was also broken and her head severely bruised.

She was taken into a house near by where medical attendance was promptly called, but it is extremely doubtful whether the little sufferer will survive her injuries.

She is about twelve years of age and is said to be a smart and promising child.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 3 August 1862, page 3


DEAD-Elizabeth Exeler, the little girl who was so severely injured at Henglebrook's Flour Mill on Thursday, died about half past seven Friday evening.


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