Edwin Smith

Cincinnati Enquirer, 25 November 1902, page 8

The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners last night in executive session names John Leahey to succeed D Edwin Smith as Chief of Police, Newport, the appointment to be effective January 1, 1903. The new Chief is well known and popular.  He has been a police officer for about 18 months, having been appointed Day Lieutenant as soon as Mayor Nelson got control of the Police Department.

During the time that he has been on the force he has proved himself an efficient officer and has a splendid record.  While the meeting was held behind closed doors, it was learned that the vote was unanimous. The Commissioners refused to give any reason for deposing Smith.  he has a splendid record as a member of the local department.  He was elected to the force under Mayor Brown in 1894, as a patrolman and by hard work and attention to duty raised himself to the position of Chief.

The Commissioners did not make any other changes, leaving the rest until the next regular meeting.  It is understood that Frank Beigel, at present a patrolman, will be made Day Lieutenant, succeeding Leahey.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 23 February 1903, page 5

Chief of Police Edwin Smith, of Newport, is back of the charges that boys and girls from the high school are misusing the Armory, over the City Building. It is claimed the boys and girls were to use the place for calisthenics on separate occasions but they congregated there together.

The janitor, Henry Viehman, stated the pupils invaded the Council Chamber and loosened the spectators chairs, requiring the services of a carpenter. Some of the pupils say some dancing was indulged in, which caused the trouble and charges.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 March 1903, page 5

Chief of Police Edwin Smith of Newport, received a letter Saturday morning from Mrs. Mary Norwell, of Indianapolis Ind. asking him to locate her husband, who she thinks was found dead in a lumber yard in Newport some time ago. She says the last she heard of him was about 10 years ago, when he was talking of going to South Africa, and later she heard a man answering his description was found dead in Newport.

The police do not remember anyone being found dead in a lumber yard in this city.

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