Edward Reilly

Kentucky Post, Monday, 12 March 1917, page 1

Judge Edward Reilly, 97, who died Sunday at his home near Alexandria, Campbell co. after an illness of several weeks, was the oldest of Campbell co. attorneys and probably was the oldest practicing attorney in the United States. He was admitted to the practice of law in 1850 and from that time until a few weeks ago before his death was well known in legal circles.

He was born in a log house near Alexandria where is parents settled. He remained in Campbell Co until early in the sixties when he moved to Kenton co. He was elected Kenton co. judge and served one term. Later he returned to Campbell co. and running on the Republican ticket, was elected state senator in 1880.

Judge Reilly's activities, however, were not confine to the practice of law. When the Mexican war broke out, Judge Reilly, then a young man of 26 years, was one of the first to volunteer. He took part in the battles of Resaca de la Palma and Buena Vista. When peace was declared he returned to his home and resumed his practice of law. He also fought in the Civil War. Up to the last minute his memory was remarkable clear. He was a great reader and seldom found it necessary to refer to books to refresh his memory.

Last January he was elected an honorary member of the Campbell co. Bar Association. A meeting of that organization was held Monday morning to take action upon the death of its venerable member. He is survived by a family of adult children and a number of grand and great grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 am at the residence at Alexandria. Rev Amos Stout of Georgetown Ky. a friend of Judge Reilly's will officiate.


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