Edward Murphy
Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 May 1903, page 1
LOST HIS LIFE-Word was received in Newport Monday morning that Edward Murphy had been killed in a railroad accident near Steubenville O. Sunday night. No details of the accident were given and the relatives wired that city at once to have the remains sent to his Newport home. A reply was received later and Donnelly Bros. of Covington will receive the remains when they arrive.
Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 19 May 1903, page 5
BURIED IN NEWPORT-The remains of Edward Murphy who was killed near Cambridge O. Sunday by being run over by a train, were brought to Newport for burial.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 20 May 1903, page 5
NEWPORT-The body of Edward Murphy of Newport, who was killed Sunday by being run over by a train near Cambridge O. was brought to Newport and was buried Wednesday in St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile on the Alexandria Pike.