Captain Edward Morin

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 27 November 1862, page 3

The tribunal is in session at Alexandria, Judge Doniphan presiding, being his first term in the county. Edward Morin is on the Grand Jury.


Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 6 July 1865, page 3

A mass convention of the Democracy and those opposed to negro suffrage, met in convention at Alexandria, Campbell County, Kentucky, July 3, 1865 for the purpose of nominating two candidates to represent the county in the next General Assembly of Kentucky.

The Convention was called to order by Colonel Frank Spillman, who recommended the veteran Democrat Captain Edward Morin of Flag Springs as the President of the Convention, which was unanimously adopted. Captain Morin, on taking the chair and calling the Convention to order, made a very able speech, eulogizing the Democratic party for the noble stand they had made in the defense of the Constitution and Laws of the country, and their bitter opposition to military tyranny, and to the despotism which has trampled under foot the Laws and Constitution of our common country.


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