Dr. Edgar Clough Buck

Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 February 1938, page 5

Dr. Edgar C Buck, district city physician, said today he will suggest to the city manager, the establishment of quarters for ill or diseased prisoners.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 May 1938, page 1

Edward Buckley, 39, no home, was found dead on his cot in the Newport jail today by Lou Feldman, jail cook. Dr. Edward (sic) Buck, city physician, said Buckley died of acute alcoholism.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 March 1940, page 1

Chief Edward Miles of the Newport Fire Department narrowly escaped falling 2 1/2 stories while fighting a fire shortly before noon Monday at the home of Dr. Edgar C Buck, 419 E Fourth street. Loss on the brick building was estimated at between $800 and $1000.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 October 1943, page 1

A special meeting of Newport city commissioners was to be held at 3:30 pm Wednesday at which time two vacancies on the board of health were to be filled. Dr. E C Buck, a city physician, is to be named to replace the late Dr. Vernon Sloan, while Joseph Quitter, South Newport, is to be appointed Dr. Alvin C Poweleit.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 22 April 1944, page 1

Dr. Bacchus, a city physician for the past 10 years, was let out upon the recommendation of Dr. Elmer C Schnake, city health officer. Dr. Bacchus' work will be assumed by Dr. Edgar Buck. The latter will receive an additional $25 a month for his duties.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 February 1949, page 1

Dr. Edgar C Buck, 79, former city district physician, died early Saturday at Speers Hospital, Dayton. Dr. Buck, who made his home at 30 W Fourth street, Newport, leaves one son, J D Buck, of Louisville.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 February 1949, page 1

Newport City Manager Oscar Hesch appointed Dr. William A Krieger Wednesday to serve as acting district physician in filling the vacancy created by the death last week of Dr. Edgar C Buck. It is believed Dr. Krieger will be named to the position permanently. Dr. Buck had served in that capacity for many years.


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