Eckert Deeds


Deed Book D-2, page 251, 2 February 1829, recorded May 1829

Indenture made 2 February 1829 between Squire Grant of the one part and James Thomason of the other part both of the County of Campbell.  For and in consideration of the sum of $126.60 Squire sells one certain tract of land situated in the County aforesaid Beginning at 3 sugar trees corner to the heirs of Thomas Griffey and in the line of the heirs of Leonard Eckert, etc. containing 105 1/2 acres.

Witnesses; Ben D Beall, William Griffey, Leonard Eckert

Deed Book M, page 470, 2 Aug 1837, Recorded 5 Aug 1837 in Alexandria

Whereas at the April Term of the Campbell Circuit Court 1836 a certain decree was had in a suit depending therein in which Leonard M Eckert complained and the Heirs of Leonard Eckert, deceased Defendants to wit-Thomas Eckert, William Eckert, Catherine Donley, late Catherine Eckert, who has intermarried with one Wright Donley; Sarah Thomason, late Sarah Eckert, who has intermarried with one James Thomason, John Eckert, Elizabeth Fugate late Elizabeth Eckert, who has intermarried with one Thomas Fugate, Mary Fisher late Mary Eckert, since deceased, leaving Susannah, Mary C & Elizabeth Fisher her children and heirs; Susannah Lightfoot, late Susannah Eckert who has intermarried with one Reuben Lightfoot as heirs of said Leonard Eckert deceased by which said decree among other things it was ordered the defendants and William L Grant convey by proper deed in writing to Leonard M Eckert the following property to wit;

Indenture Isaac Cooper as Commissioner in consideration of the premises and $1 sells to Leonard M Eckert one hundred and 50 acres of land, a part of Anthony Walton White's survey of 7133 acres.

Deed Book T, page 364, 1 November 1858, recorded State of Ohio, City of Cincinnati, 28 Nov 1848, recorded Campbell Co KY 20 July 1849

Mary E Evans heir at Law and Margaret White, widow of Anthony Walton White deceased, late of New Jersey, in consideration of $52.50 to them paid by James Thomason of the County of Campbell sell real estate situated in the County of Campbell within the bounds of the said Anthony W White's Patent to wit; that certain tract of land beginning line of the heirs of Leonard Eckert, etc. containing 105 1/2 acres.

Signed, sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Geo T Williamson



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