Ebenezer Smith

Alexandria Court Order Book 2, Page 60, 25 May 1818

On application of Ebenezer Smith, it is ordered that Richard Harrison, George Dennison,
Richard Mullins, and William Berry or any three of them-being first sworn to view and mark out a road from the Licking road near the fork of  Three Mile Creek to pass by the said Smith's horse Mill and intersect the County road near William Caldwell's.  And make report to Court of the Conveniences and inconveniences of said road.
Alexandria Court Order Book Page 62, 22 June 1818

The viewers appointed to mark out and view a road from the Licking road to begin near
the forks of three Mile Creek to pass by Smith's horse Mill and intersect the County road
near William Caldwell's returned their report in favour of said road.  Whereupon it is ordered that Summons issue against the persons through whose land Said road will pass to shew Cause if any they can why said road shall not be opened agreeable to said report is in the following words Campbell County to wit Persuant to the annexed order to us directed We the subscribers being first sworn proceeded to view and mark out the road as within directed to wit Beginning on the north east bank of the horse Camp fork of three Mile thence up the same passing through James Taylor's land, John Grant's land as Marked out to a fork of said branch. 

Thence up the right hand fork passing through Ebenezer Smith's land and by his horse mill; Thence up the said branch passing through the lands of William Caldwell and James Taylor to the north east corner of the place of said Taylors now in the occupancy of Richard Harrison to the line between said William Caldwell and said James Taylor; Thence along the said line till it strikes the road lately established from the licking road to the County road near said Caldwells; Thence with the said road to the County road near said Caldwells which said road we are of the opinion will be of public advantage to settlers between the County road and the Licking road and no inconveniences to any one but said Caldwell and said Taylor.  Given under our hands and seals this 22nd day of June 1818.

Signed Richard Mullins, William Berry, George Denison
Personally came before me John B Lindsey, One of the Commonwealths Justices of the
peace for Campbell County and State of Kentucky, Richard Mullins, George Denison
and William Berry who made oath to the law directs.  Given under my hand this 4th day of June 1818-signed John B Lindsey Justice of the Peace.
Court Order Book 2 Page 75, August 1818

On the motion of Ebenezer Smith, it is ordered that Stacy Reeves, Henry Baker, William Carson and George Tibbets or any 3 of them being first sworn do view and mark out a road to leave Licking Road near James Taylor's farm called Mill farm thence to the said Smith's horse mill thence from said horse mill to intersect the road from the Mouth of Bank Lick to the County road which is intended as a pass way to said Smith's Horse Mill and that they report the conveniences and inconveniences of said road.
Alexandria Court Order Book 2, Page 93, 24 November 1818

On the motion of Ebenezer Smith, it is ordered that Abraham Brumer, David Downard, Joseph Stilwell and Samuel Thompson or any three of them being first sworn do view and mark out a road to leave Licking road near James Taylor's farm called Mill Farm, thence to the said Smith's Horse Mill, thence from said Horse Mill to intersect the road between the Farms of Thomas Lindsey, deceased, and William Caldwell from the mouth of Bank Lick to the County road which is intended as a pass way to Said Smith's horse Mill and that they report to Court the Conveniences and inconveniences of said road.
Alexandria Court Order Book 2, page 172, 27 March 1820

On motion of Ebenezer Smith, it is ordered that Jonathan Huling, Thomas Bently, Moses Smith and George Denison, or any three of them being first sworn do view and mark out a road beginning at James Taylor's Mill farm thence to Ebenezer Smith's Mill and from the mill to the Bank Lick Road leading out to the Newport Road between Caldwell's and Lindsey's, and that they made report to Court.

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