Horace Drake Speech

Submitted by Kelly

Kentucky Times Star, September 6, 1918


Industrial Association Speaker Asks Representative Government
Warns of Politics
Says Men Seeking Office Should be of Good Character

   Horace Drake of the Higgin Manufacturing Company was the speaker at the luncheon of the Newport Civic and Industrial Association Thursday at Sharp's restaurant.  He dwelt on the lines of what a progressive city ought to be. 

"Newport could be made a good place to live in and do business," he said.  "In the first place a representative government is essential.  Make the city clean and rid it of gamblers.  Pulling together will secure the best ideals.  Citizens should get a fair return for the high rate of taxation now exacted.  Keep your public schools, courts, fire department and police out of politics.  Too much politics is one of the evils of the day.  Public affairs should be entrusted only to men of ability and character.  Character counts in a city as well as in the individual." 

 The next speaker to address the organization will be Prof. Rogers of the Cincinnati Law school. 


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