Dr. Douglas Schoolfield

Cincinnati Enquirer, Friday, 6 March 1908, page 9


In Squire Muller's Court yesterday judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff in the case of Charles A Smith & Son, undertakers of Newport Ky. vs. Mrs. Clara Schoolfield of South Haven, Michigan. The suit was instituted to recover $245 for the funeral expenses of Dr. Douglas Schoolfield, late of Bellevue Ky. who died October 24 last.

At the hearing yesterday it developed that there had been a family dispute sometime before Dr. Schoolfield's death. It seems that he left two policies of insurance naming his daughter, Mrs. Angie Kramer, as beneficiary in one and his widow in the other. At the trial Mrs. Schoolfield testified that Mrs. Kramer made all the funeral arrangements and that the latter had agreed to bear all the expenses. However, Mrs. Schoolfield sent a wreath of flowers costing $5 and gave a check for it on the Provident Savings Bank and Trust Company. Immediately the undertakers secured an attachment against the account of Mrs. Schoolfield in that institution, which amounted to $1000.

Squire Muller gave judgment in favor of the plaintiffs in the sum of $235. Mrs. Schoolfield who is a handsome woman, was richly dressed and presented a striking appearance in Court.


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