
Campbell County, Kentucky

No matter the historical time, sometimes marriages did not work out. Your ancestors may be listed here and if you have one you would like to see listed, please contact me. Shirlene Jensen

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Tuesday, 6 January 1880, page 7

Amelia R Kirk vs. William H Kirk. This was an application for divorce on the ground the defendant at the time of his marriage with the plaintiff had another wife living. It was testified the defendant was married to one Sarah J Winters in Newport Ky. in 1862, that in 1870 he was married to the plaintiff in this city, but soon abandoned her and returned to his first wife in Kentucky.


Cincinnati Daily Gazette, Monday, 16 August 1880, page 3

William Holt filed suit in the Chancery Court, Newport, Saturday, for divorce from his wife, Josephine Holt, on the grounds of infidelity and abandonment. The parties are colored.


Cincinnati Post, Friday, 10 November 1882, page 4

Sophia Schuebel, Newport, claims Charles Schuebel, her husband has mistreated and deserted her. She sue for a divorce yesterday.


Cincinnati Post, Monday, 13 November 1882, page 1

Elizabeth Krause, Newport, claims ever since she married Herman Krause, in April 1880, he has beaten and mistreated her. Yesterday she sued him for divorce.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 19 July 1895, page 7

Fred Koustmer, Newport, yesterday filed a petition for divorce from his wife Laura. They were married Oct 23, 1887 and lived together until July 10, 1894 when he alleges she left him without cause. He asks for the custody of their two children, aged 3 and 6 years.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 November 1895, page 7

In the Circuit Court at Newport, Mrs. Lizzie Skinner of Bellevue, filed a suit for divorce from her husband, William P Skinner, on the grounds of drunkenness and cruelty and asked the custody of their two children. She alleges her husband is a fiend on horse racing and a victim of poolrooms and in order to raise money for the indulgence of his passion for gambling he has sold most of her personal effects. The Court issued an order restraining him from disposing of his property.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 1 July 1896, page 5

Charles L Raison, one of the attorneys of Campbell County, was granted a divorce from his wife, Georgiana Raison, during the month of June. Colonel Washington, attorney, alleged the couple were married in Newport, April 27, 1879, and lived together until 1893, when the defendant abandoned the plaintiff. Colonel and Mrs. Raison have two children, Thomas, aged 15, and Elizabeth, aged 12 years. They have been living at the Wrightson home on East Sixth Streety.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 21 October 1896, page 5

Sarah Coyle was granted a divorce from Frank Coyle in the Campbell County Circuit Court.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 12 December 1896, page 5

Sarah Shea, who caused the arrest of her husband John Shea, charging him with breach of the peace. Mrs. Shea appeared in court with a disfigured face, the result of a beating by her husband. Through her attorney John S Roebuck, filed for divorce and alleges they were married in Newport in 1891.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 16 December 1896, page 5

An aged couple, formerly of Newport were divorced in the courts of Oklahoma. Mrs. Virginia Burroughs, is 70 years of age while the defendant is 75. They were wedded in Newport 50 years ago and raised 10 children. Three years ago, Mr. Burroughs husband deserted her to take up with another woman much younger in years. The divorce was granted.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 December 1896, page 5

In the Campbell Circuit Court Friday Judge Helm granted divorces to Frank C Ernst from his wife, Alice on the grounds of abandonment, and to Myrtle M Ackerman from her husband, Jacob Ackerman.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 29 July 1899, page 3

Attorney Hill filed suit of divorce for Jennie Hugle against Andrew Hugle. The wife alleges they were married in Newport, December 1884 and have lived together ever since. His treatment, she says was cruel and inhuman, and she was constantly in danger of her life. There are three children, ranging in age from 9 to 12. She asks for divorce and alimony. A restraining order was issued to prevent him from selling any of the furniture or interfering with plaintiff in any way.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 October 1899, page 3

Maud E Baker filed suit in the Kenton Circuit Court against Clark C Baker for divorce. She alleges they were married in Newport in June 1867? and lived together until March 1898, when the defendant abandoned her. Clark resides in Okoboji SD.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 October 1899, page 5

Circuit Judge John T Hodge, of Newport, Saturday entered the following orders in divorce cases pending before him; Laura (sic) Rainey's marriage to James M Rainey was annulled, the plaintiff being awarded the custody of her two children Catherine and Dorothy Rainey. Abandonment was the cause.

In the case of Charles H Helm against Sarah Helm, the petition was ordered dismissed.

Hilda Brown was restored to her maiden name, Hilda Kattenhorn, and her marriage annulled. Her plea was the defendant maltreated her and failed to provide for her maintenance.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 25 November 1899, page 6

John O H Ellerman, of Newport, filed suit Saturday against his wife, Margaret, in the Campbell County Circuit Court, asking for an annulment of their marriage, on the ground of abandonment. They were married in Cincinnati in 1863, but separated five years ago. Both parties are prominent.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 January 1903, page 3

Laura B Schomake filed suit for divorce Tuesday against George W Schomake in the Campbell Circuit Court. They were married July 23, 1901 in Newport and lived together until July 28, 1902, when she says the defendant abandoned her and refused to further contribute to her support. She charges him with cruelty. She also asks the court restore her maiden name of Laura B Gaskins.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 January 1903, page 5

Wendle Buschart filed suit against Katie Buschart. He alleges they were married in November 1900 and that in July 190`, she left him and has since refused to live with him.

Jeptha Cooper filed suit for divorce from Lottie Cooper, alleging abandonment. They were married at Manchester O. in 1885 and lived together until 1898 when she left him. Since then he has resided in Campbell County.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 13 January 1903, page 5

Laura Shields filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Monday for a divorce from her husband, John Shields. They have one child, Howard, 11, and she asks she be given custody of the boy.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 24 January 1903, page 5

Martha Rohman of Bellevue, filed suit for divorce Friday against William A Rohman of Newport. They were married in Newport Jan 10, 1899 and she charges abandonment. She wants to be restored to her maiden name, Martha Kuechler and desires alimony. Rohman is a watch case maker and formerly lived at Sixth and Columbia Streets in Newport, but is now traveling with a theatrical company.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 31 January 1903, page 5

Jean S Hartleb, filed suit Friday for divorce in the Campbell Circuit Court against Charles L Hartleb. She alleges he drove her from their home and called her vile names. She also charges him with cruelty. She asks for alimony and restoration to her maiden name of Jean Scott.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 February 1903, page 5

Ellen Buchert filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Saturday afternoon against Edward Buchert for divorce. They were married in 1878 and she charges him with being a continuous drinker, cruel and harsh in his treatment of their four children. She asks for an allowance for the maintenances of herself and two youngest children.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 4 February 1903, page 5

Belle Chiswell was granted a divorce from her husband Lee Chiswell, in the Campbell Circuit Court Tuesday by Judge Hodge.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 6 February 1903, page 5

Robert Gatsch filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Thursday for a divorce from his wife, Luella Gatsch. The plaintiff alleges he was married to the defendant in the city of Covington Oct 7, 1899 and they lived together in Campbell County until Dec 18, 1901, when the defendant without any fault on his part, abandoned him and has lived separate and apart from him ever since.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 7 February 1903, page 5

In the Circuit Court in Newport Friday, Judge Hodge granted a divorce to Mary L Young from her husband, James H Young, of this city on the ground of abandonment. She was also given the custody of their four children.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 February 1903, page 5

In the Circuit Court in Newport Friday Laura E Tarvin was granted a decree of divorce from Thomas A Tarvin and was restored to her maiden name of Laura Edna Irwin.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 21 February 1903, page 5

Rebecca Smith filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Friday for a divorce from her husband, Walter Smith. She alleges he abandoned her Feb 18, 1903. She asks to be restored to her maiden name of Rebecca Clingman.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 2 March 1903, page 5

Isabella Troxell was granted a divorce from her husband, Earl M Troxell on the grounds of cruelty and abandonment. She was also given the custody of their son, Gay, aged 2 years.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 March 1903, page 5

Sadie Raab, the divorced wife of Lawrence Raabe, Newport, filed a suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Tuesday against her former husband for the recovery of $1000 damages for alleged defamation of character.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 March 1903, page 8

Lillian Hardin brought suit Thursday against her husband Howard L Hardin for divorce in Campbell Circuit Court. She alleges they were married on Jan 19, 1899 and he abandoned her in December 1900, wherefore, she prays for divorce and restoration to her former name, Lillian Gould.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 March 1903, page 3

Stella Dunnigan filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Saturday morning against John Dunnigan for divorce. She says they were married on Sept 10, 1902 and alleges he was contracted the confirmed habit of drunkenness.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 March 1903, page 5

Mrs. Emma Reinhardt of Newport, filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Saturday through her attorney, E H Kilpatrick, for a divorce from her husband, Alfred Reinhardt. The plaintiff resides at 719 Central Avenue and alleges they were married in September 1902 by Squire Donelan. They lived together until Dec 21, 1902 when she was forced to leave him and return to her parents.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 March 1903, page 1

Henry Lippen filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Thursday for a divorce from his wife, Gertrude Lippen. The plaintiff alleges they were married in Hamilton County O. in July 1897 and lived together until April 1898 when the defendant, without any fault on his part abandoned him and removed to Cincinnati where she has resided ever since.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 March 1903, page 5

Louis Seder filed suit Wednesday in the Campbell Circuit Court against Augusta Seder for divorce. They were married in Dennemora NY, Feb 13, 1896 and have not lived together for five years.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 April 1903, page 5

John H Norton, through his attorney, Horace Root, filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Thursday morning for divorce from Bessie Norton. He says they were married in Pendleton County, Kentucky, June 14, 1899 and he charges her with abandonment and misconduct.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 6 April 1903, page 5

In the Campbell Circuit Court Saturday a rule was issued on a motion by Sallie Raabe against Lawrence Raabe, to show cause whey he does not pay alimony as ordered by the court. Mrs. Raabe recently secured a divorce on the grounds of cruelty.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 16 April 1903, page 5

Aleen Helrigel filed suit for divorce Wednesday in the Campbell Circuit Court against Frank Helrigel. They were married march 16, 1901 in Bellevue. Abandonment is charged. She also asks for custody of their daughter, Ruth.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 April 1903, page 5

Albert S Johnson, filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Monday for a divorce from his wife, Elizabeth R Johnson. They were married Dec 25, 1901 and he charges her with infidelity.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 27 April 1903, page 5

Hattie Bartram filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Saturday for divorce from her husband, Charles W Bartram. She says they were married Aug 4, 1902 and alleges he refused to make any provision from her maintenance. She asks to be restored to her maiden name, Hattie Roehm and for alimony.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 May 1903, page 5

The case of Sadie Raabe, divorced wife of Lawrence Raabe, the contractor, will be called in court May 15. She must show cause why the custody of his oldest son should not be given the father, who is trying to seek possession of the children.

G D Sparks filed suit in the Campbell Court Monday for a divorce from Maggie Sparks. He says in his petition they were married June 11, 1897 and alleges she abandoned him on Feb 2, 1903.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 May 1903, page 5

Lucy Haines filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Tuesday for a divorce from Henry Haines. She alleges in her petition they were married Jan 21, 1899 and charges him with cruelty and abandonment. She asks for alimony and for the custody of their infant child.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 May 1903, page 5

Mary E Bell filed suit for divorce and alimony in the Campbell Circuit Court Tuesday morning from W R Bell. She alleges that he beat her until she couldn't walk and he threatened to kill her many times. She asks for custody of one child, Maggie B Bell.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 3 June 1903, page 5

Orville Turner filed suit in Campbell Circuit Court Wednesday against Jessie Turner for divorce. He says they were married in Hamilton County, Ohio, in February 1900 and lived together until April 14, 1903 and asks for divorce on the grounds of misbehavior. Some time ago, Mrs. Turner slashed one of her wrists with a big butcher knife.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 June 1903, page 5

John W Fitzenberger filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Monday for a divorce from Mary Louise Fitzenberger. The plaintiff alleges they were married in Hamilton County O. Dec 26, 1885 and lived together until May 1902, when the defendant abandoned him. They have four children, Percy, 16; Clarence, 11; Hazel, 9 and Roy, 21 months, and he asks for their custody.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 27 June 1903, page 5

The Campbell Circuit Court Saturday Charles Hartleb was granted a divorce from his wife Jean Hartleb. Jean Hartleb filed the first suit and her husband filed an answer and cross petition charging abandonment.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 September 1903, page 5

Katherine Noe filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Friday for divorce from Albert S Noe. They were married in 1883 and she alleges that he was cruel and mistreated her until she was compelled to leaved him. She also says he has been wasting his estate. Horace Root for plaintiff.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 19 September 1903, page 1

Margaret Haller sued Jacob Haller for a divorce. They were married April 12, 1893 and she charges him with cruelty and failure to provide, so that she was compelled to leave him. There is one child, Jacob Haller, 5 years of age. She asks the custody of this child and alimony.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 24 September 1903, page 5

Lena Fahrubell brought suit in the Campbell Circuit Court in Newport Wednesday for divorce from Joseph Fahrubell. The suit was brought by her father, John Brausch. It is alleged that the plaintiff was only 14 years of age when she married the defendant Sept 9, 1902. It is alleged she was married without the knowledge or consent of her parents and without knowing what she was doing; the marriage was obtained by fraud and the defendant has been guilty of cruelty and neglect and has not contributed to her support.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 September 1903, page 5

Grant Van Osdol filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Monday against Minnie Van Osdol for divorce. He alleges they were married in 1892 and she deserted him in 1902. There are two children Elmer, 10 and Gertrude, 6. He asks for divorce and custody of the children. He says the wife is now in Chicago.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 October 1903, page 5

Samantha Straub filed suit for divorce in Newport from John Straub. She alleged she is in danger of her life from his cruel treatment and wants to be restored to her maiden name, King.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 15 October 1903, page 5

Myrtle McDermott filed suit in the Newport Circuit Court against Joseph McDermott for divorce. She alleges they were married Sept 20, 1902 and he left her 10 days later, Oct 1, the same year, being a bride but 10 days. Abandonment is the ground for the suit.

John Price filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Wednesday for a divorce from his wife, Nettie Price.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 27 October 1903, page 5

Charles Arthur Bolzien filed suit Monday in Newport against Ida Bolzien for divorce. They were married Oct 11, 1902 and he charges she abandoned him

Anne Grau sued Albert Grau for a divorce. They were married Oct 26, 1898 and she charges he abandoned her in March 1902.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 November 1903, page 2

Nathan Schuhman, 40, of 1638 Central Avenue, Newport, begged his wife Tuesday to give up her wild ways, but she refused. He filed a divorce suit Wednesday, charging she remains away from home late at night and leaves him to wash the dishes, sweep the house, get the meals and wash and dress the children.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 13 November 1903, page 5

In the Campbell Circuit Court Friday, Jennie Miller filed suit for divorce from John Miller, alleging habitual drunkenness and failure to provide. She asks for alimony and custody of one child.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 16 November 1903, page 5

In the divorce case of Anna Viehmann against Conrad Viehmann, in Newport, a rule was awarded against defendant to show cause why he should not execute a previous order to pay $35 to the plaintiff to enable her to prepare her case.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 18 November 1903, page 5

Edward Johnson, through Attorney E H Kilpatrick filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court Tuesday against Ethel Johnson for divorce. They were married in May 1901 and Johnson alleges that a week after the nuptials the defendant eloped with another man.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 November 1903, page 5

Mary E Thompson was granted a divorce from Gaven W Thompson by Judge Hodge in Newport Wednesday, and given custody of their child, Georgiana, aged 4 years. The Thompson were married in Newport, Sept 21, 1897, and in October 1902, he abandoned her. The wife charge Thompson with confirmed drunkenness, failure to provide and abandonement.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 November 1903, page 5

In Newport Friday Amelia Craig was granted a divorce from Thomas Craig on the grounds of cruelty, drunkenness an failure to provide.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 December 1903, page 5

Charles C Applegate filed for divorce against Maggie Applegate. They were married June 7, 1892 and he alleges she abandoned him May 10, 1903 and has since refused to live with him. The couple have two small children, Ray, 10 and Clifford 2. He asks the Court to award to him their custody.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 January 1904, page 5

Albert S Johnson was granted a divorce from Elizabeth R Johnson. They were married Dec 25 1901.

Myrtle McDermott was granted a divorce from Joseph McDermott on the ground of abandonment. They were married Sept 20, 1902, and he left her Oct 1of the same year. She was also restored to her maiden name of Myrtle Flock.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 7 January 1904, page 5

It appeared that Judge Hodge granted a divorce to Albert S Johnson, but the facts are the divorce was granted to Elizabeth R Johnson. She alleged cruelty and neglect and was restored to her maiden name of Elizabeth R DeCamp.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 9 January 1904, page 5

Sophia Elliott files suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Friday for a divorce from William H Elliott. They were married in the County of Surrey, England, in February 1867 and came to Newport in 1875. The plaintiff charges drunkenness and failure to provide.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 January1904, page 3

Julia Lucas filed suit for divorce against Philip Lucas. They were married Jan 16, 1901 and she charges him with cruelty and neglect to her and their infant child.

Mary Ainsworth filed suit against Louis Ainsworth for alimony. They were married in May 1887 and have a son, Raymond, 15. She charges him with cruelty and says he spent his earnings for drink.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 March 1904, page 5

Sophia Elliott was granted a divorce from William Elliott in the Circuit Court in Newport Wednesday on the grounds of confirmed habit of drunkeness, wasting of estate and failure to provide. They were married in Surrey, England, in February 1867 and came to Newport in 1875.

Col. J A Andrews, President of the Newport Rolling Mill Company and Treasurer of the Globe Iron Roofing and Corrugating Company, was Wednesday, granted a divorce from Luccassia Andrews. They were married March 4, 1865 and there are three children all grown. Mrs. Andrews is residing in Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 March 1904, page 5

Joseph W Clark filed suit Thursday in the Circuit Court in Newport for a divorce from Mary Katherine Clark. The were married in Newport May 16, 1892 and lived together until the fall of 1893, when the defendant abandoned him without cause and has refused to live with him ever since.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 23 March 1904, page 5

Rosa Bradley filed suit for divorce in the Campbell Circuit Court Wednesday against Claude Bradley, charging abandonment. She says they were married in September 1898 and lived together until March 1903, when he left her. She asks for alimony.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 25 March 1904, page 1

Louisa Holzworth filed suit Thursday in the Circuit Court in Newport for a divorce from Gottlieb Holzworth. There were married April 12, 1887. She says her husband has been acting toward her in a cruel manner. She also asks for the custody of their four children, Flora, 14; Edna, 12: Ruth, 10 and Clarence, 4.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 March 1904, page 5

Margaret Haller was granted a divorce by Judge Berry in the Campbell Circuit Court and was awarded the custody of her child, Jacob Haller Jr. The Court also allowed $6 a week alimony.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 April 1904, page 3

Constant Guyot filed suit in the Circuit Court in Newport Monday for a divorce from his wife, Catherine Guyot. They were married in Chicago July 21, 1883. He says his wife abandoned him April 3, 1903 and has refused to live with him ever since.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 25 April 1904, page 5

Martin J Wenck filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court in Newport Saturday for divorce from Lillie Wenck. He asks for custody of two children.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 27 April 1904, page 5

Emma Britton filed suit Tuesday in the Circuit Court in Newport for a divorce from Alvin Britton. They were married in November 1893 and have two children, Omer, 8 and Violetta, 5. She charges Britton with drunkenness and cruel treatment and asks for custody of the children.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 May 1904, page 5

Frank Marsh as granted a divorce from Louisa Marsh by Judge Berry.

Judge Berry heard arguments on motion made by the divorced wife of James Young to have the order awarding to her the custody of their four children amended so that they would not be compelled to visit their father. Mrs. Young desired to secure absolute custody of the children and to have the alimony of $40 per month increased.

Mary E Lickert filed suit for divorce in Newport against Bernard Lickert. They were married June 9, 1902. She charges him with cruelty and drunkenness. They have one child Bertha, aged 15. She asks for custody of this child and alimony.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 14 May 1904, page 5

The marriage of Frank Marsh and Louisa Marsh of Newport, was ended Saturday, when the Circuit Court Clerk entered the decree of divorce to Mrs. Marsh.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 June 1904, page 5

Fannie McGeary filed a petition in the Campbell Circuit Court Thursday to have the divorce decree recently received by the husband set aside. A week ago a divorce was granted Livingston McGeary after 40 years of married life.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 June 1904, page 5

Thrice married and twice divorced, Harriet E Parsons secured $5 a week alimony in the Circuit Court in Newport, Wednesday, pending the divorce trial. She filed suit for divorce from Enoch Parsons of Cold Spring and for alimony.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 1 July 1904, page 5

In the Campbell Circuit Court Friday Judge Berry granted a divorce to Hilda Koustermer from Fred Koustermer, $3 a week alimony and $25 for attorney's allowance. This is the second divorced wife of Koustermer.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 July 1904, page 7

In the case of John Hug vs. Elizabeth Hug, he will pay $6 a week for the support of his six children.

Emma Lickert was granted a divorce from Bernard Lickert.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 12 July 1904, page 5

Frank Remme was granted a divorce in Newport from Annie Remme on the ground of abandonment. They are colored.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 20 August 1904, page 5

A divorce suit was filed in the Circuit Court in Newport Saturday by William F Newton against Lillian E Newton. They were married June 29, 1897 and lived together until Aug 8, 1899 and lived separately ever since. There are no children. He claims she refused from that time to live with him and she is now living with her mother Mrs. Riemeyer in Cincinnati. He is a letter carrier in Newport and is will known.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 September 1904, page 5

Emma Grace Young filed suit for divorce in Newport Thursday morning from Charles William Young. She alleges he abandoned her and has not lived with her for some time. This is the first couple Judge Hissem of the County Court ever married.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 23 September 1904, page 5

Joseph Bentler seeks legal separation from Dora Bentler, who was married to him on May 27, 1896 and who he avers, abandoned him on Aug 23, 1904, going to Cincinnati with William Lozier, where it is alleged they rented a flat on Smith st. and lived together Absolute divorce and custody of their two children, John D, 7, and Anne E, 5, is prayed for.

Maria Brooker alleges that Lee Brooker, to whom she was married in 1881, abandoned her on May 8, 1892, and he is a habitual drunkard and fails to support her She sues for divorce, alimony and restoration to her maiden name.

Kate Penick avers that Robert L Penick, to whom she was married on Feb 1, 1886, abandoned her on May 26, 1898. She prays for absolute divorce and alimony.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 7 October 1904, page 1

Kate White sued E J White for a divorce in Newport Thursday They were married Feb 9, 1898 and she charges he deserted her Sep 15, 1903. She asks to be restored to her maiden name of Kearney and for the custody of their child.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 13 October 1904, page 5

For the second time Col. Joseph A Andrews, President of the Newport Rolling Mill in Newport, filed suit for divorce. The first decree was granted and then set aside because the pleadings did not show the cause of action occurred prior to the time Mrs. Andrews mind became affected. Andrews says they were married March 4, 1865, and Lucassia B Andrews was tried for lunacy Jan 16, 1892 and adjudged of unsound mind. The petition alleges for more than five years they have lived apart and Mrs. Andrews has an estate valued at $40,000 but the plaintiff is willing to settle upon her for her maintenance such an amount in addition to her estate as the court may specify. Since Feb 1903, the defendant is in a sanitarium at White Plains NY.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 October 1904, page 7

William F Shanks was granted a divorce from Lillie Shanks and he is given custody of a child of 13. They live in the country.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 25 October 1904, page 5

Anna Kyle sued Samuel Kyle for divorce in Newport Monday. They were married March 12, 1898. She alleges they have not lived together for five years and also charges he never provided for her. They have one child, of which she asks for custody.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 November 1904, page 3

Minnie Enderly was divorced from John Enderley. The charge was abandonment and the plaintiff was restored to her maiden name of Minne Gossett.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 December 1904, page 5

Fay Scott Moeller filed suit yesterday in the Circuit Court, Newport for a divorce from Herman Moeller. They were married Feb 29, 1900 and she charges he abandoned her in November of his year. She also alleges he has been guilty of drunkenness and failure to provide. She wants the court to restore her maiden name of Fay Scott.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 14 December 1904, page 5

Anna Kyle was granted a divorce yesterday in Newport from Sam Kyle and $10 per month alimony.

Anna Burke Bitzer filed suit for divorce in the Campbell Circuit Court yesterday afternoon from John Bitzer, former City Jailer of Newport.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 February 1905, page 5

Virginia Lynn filed suit this morning in Campbell Circuit Court for divorce against William Lynn. They were married in Newport in 1901 and lived together until July 6, 1903, at which time the defendant struck her with a stick and drove her from their home in Franklin Co Ky. compelling her to return to her parents home in Newport, where she now resides. She is sickly and delicate, whereas the defendant is strong and healthy and capable of earning a good salary. She prays for a divorce, alimony and reasonable relief.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 7 February 1905, page 5

Amanda Montgomery was yesterday granted a divorce from John Montgomery and restored to her maiden name of Amanda Knox.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 March 1905, page 5

Mrs. Alice M Southgate has been granted a decree of divorce in the Campbell Circuit Court from Clifford C Southgate. Both parties to the suit are well known in Campbell County and are members of prominent families. The plaintiff is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James J Metcalf of the Alexandria pike. Southgate is connected with the clerical force of the Third National Bank. They were married in 1903 and in September of that year she alleges he abandoned her. They have one child. The decree gives her the custody of the child and $12 a month alimony.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 May 1905, page 10

John A Smith filed suit for divorce yesterday in Newport against Ella Smith. They were married in Cincinnati in 1883. He charges her with drunkenness and says as a result of said drunkenness, she neglected her six children, of whom he asks the custody.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 2 June 1905, page 5

Lucy Culbertson filed suit against William B Culbertson for divorce. They were married in Indianapolis Jan 27, 1899 and she charges him with cruelty. She also asks for restoration to her maiden name of Hamilton.

Elsa Walker sued Russell R Walker for a divorce. They were married in Bellevue Jan 4, 1904 and she charges him with cruelty. She also asks for restoration to her maiden name of Schatzman.

Mary Tredtin was granted a divorce against Robert Tredtin on the grounds of abandonment and was restored to her maiden name, Mary Dinger.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 30 August 1905, page 5

Roena Baldwin Pigg's love for her soldier husband, James Pigg, is not what it used to be and today she filed suit against Pigg in the Campbell Circuit Court for divorc, alleging abandonment. She met Pigg while he was stationed at Ft Thomas and they were wedded June 18, 1904. Shortly afterward he abandoned her and the last place she heard from him was at Skagway Alaska, where he was stationed with the Third Infantry, Company A. She asks for restoration of her maiden name, Roena Baldwin.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 11 October 1905, page 5

The divorce case of Kate Weiler against Henry J Weiler, a wealthy furrier has been reopened in the Campbell Circuit Court. They were married Dec 23, 1879 and lived together until Feb 28, 1905 when he abandoned her. There are three children, Hattie, 19; Arthur 10; and Emeline, 23. She asks he be denied a divorce and she be allowed suitable alimony and custody of the children.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 20 October 1905, page 7

Ex-Circuit Judge John T Hodge of Newport whose wife, Virginia, to whom he was married in 1891, field suit for divorce in the Kenton Circuit Court Wednesday.

The hearing of the alimony suit of Kate Keer against Jacob Keer for divorce was finished yesterday in the Campbell Circuit Court.

Sallie Bridgeman suit of divorce against Archie W Bridgeman, Judge Berry granted a decree and restoration to her maiden name of Sallie Houbner.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 12 January 1906, page 7

Mary Schneider filed suit yesterday in the Campbell Circuit Court for divorce from her husband, Jacob Schneider. They have been married 24 years and lived together until last December. She asks for a separation on the grounds of cruelty and asks for custody of their two children.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 20 January 1906, page 5

Clara Belle Barnes of Newport filed a divorce suit in the Campbell Circuit Court on the grounds for the action brought against her husband, Jonathan Barnes, who is an inmate of the State Asylum in Lakeland, having been judged insane in March 1896. They were married in March 1886 and have three daughters. She charges her husband with being a confirmed drunkard for more than a year before he was sent to the asylum. One one occasion he threatened to kill her and ran her out of the house with a razor. She asks for absolute divorce and for care and custody of their children.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 February 1906, page 5

Lucy Culbertson has been granted a divorce from ex-Fireman William Culbertson. Culbertson created a diversion during the hearing by conducting his own examination of witnesses. All property rights, alimony, &c. in lieu of alimony is given all of the property.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 March 1906, page 5

Ethel Heekin divorce suit against Joseph Heekin were married in July last and lived together until Jan 21 of this year, when Joseph struck her. The parties are residents of Bellevue, Mr. Heekin being a relative of James Heekin, prominent in Cincinnati business affairs.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 May 1906, page 5

Through Attorney E W Hawkins Jr. a suit for divorce was filed in the Campbell Circuit Court yesterday by Martin Wenck against Lillie Wench. The couple were married in 1895 and have two children. He asks the custody of the little ones.

Martha Keys entered suit, demanding alimony against John Keys. The couple were married in 1899 and it is alleged he abandoned her in 1904.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 June 1906, page 3

Minnie F Porter filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court today against Edward P Porter, a businessman of Newport, for divorce. She alleges abandonment.

Judge Berry granted divorce to Adelaide Maxwell from Albert C Maxwell and made an order giving her the custody of the children.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 21 August 1906, page 5

Carrie Schupping, Newport, has filed suit in the Campbell Circuit Court asking for a divorce from Otto Schupping, alleging abandonment. There were married 13 months. She asks to have her maiden name of Carrie Marxmiller restored.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 August 1906, page 5

Clara Collum against Matthew Collum, says they were married in 1891 and accuses him of drunkenness, wasting the estate and failure to provide for his family. She was forced to leave him in June 1900.

Clara E Roberts prays for divorce from Martin F Roberts on the grounds of cruelty. They have been married for six years and she alleges he knocked her down, kicked her and threatened to kill her. She left home Aug 1, 1906 and sought protection at the home of her parents. She asks for absolute divorce and custody of their child.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 September 1906, page 3

Michael Maloney, who was made defendant in a divorce suit is defending charges in the Newport Police Court. He was arrested on complaint of his wife, who alleged drunkenness and disorderly conduct.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 8 December 1906, page 3

A suit for $10,000 for alleged alienation of his wife's affections was filed this morning in the Campbell Circuit Court, by Charles Hurd, Newport. He attempted to kidnap his daughter. Last week, Alice Hurd, the wife, filed suit for divorce, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment an failure to provide.

Catherine Puff, alleging abandonment and failure to provide, filed suit today in the Campbell Circuit Court against Andreas Puff for divorce and alimony. She alleges although defendant is possessed of ample means, he has failed to provide for her.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 December 1906, page 5

In a divorce suit of Barbara E Adams against William Adams, the case was submitted for judgment. The plaintiff is seeking a divorce on the ground they have been living separately and apart for five years.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 February 1907, page 5

Mary Schmidt, who sued Charles Schmidt, an ex-patrolman of Newport, for divorce in the Kenton Circuit Court, has withdrawn the petition, as a reconciliation was effected Saturday. Her maiden name was Risinger.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 11 March 1907, page 3

Mrs. Brooker, wife of pugilist Chick Brooker, of Newport, secured a divorce today in Cincinnati. She was also restored to her maiden name, Rose Oldstein.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 28 March 1907, page 3

As an outgrowth of the habeas corpus proceedings instituted in the Campbell Circuit Court a few days ago by Leonard Long to secure possession of his eighteen month old daughter, a suit for divorce was filed today by Mrs. Eleanor Long against Leonard Long. They were married in Chicago in 1904 and lived together until November 1906 at which time Long abandoned her; he has been guilty of such cruel beating and injury of her as indicated an outrageous temper or probable danger to her life.

She has custody of their child and the defendant is not a proper person to have custody of her. She asks for possession of the household furniture at Eighth and Maple av. Newport, divorce, alimony and custody of the child.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 4 April 1907, page 5

David M Price is the plaintiff in a divorce suit filed today in the Campbell Circuit Court against Loutiba Price. Living apart for five years is given as the cause for a decree. The defendant is a resident of Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 9 April 1907, page 5

Carrie Walter of Newport, filed suit in Campbell Circuit Court to be released from her marriage to John Walter, a rolling mill man. They were married at New Orleans La. March 23, 1862 and lived together until January 1901, when he left her. He has refused to make provisions for her support and has been compelled to do menial work by keeping house for her two sons; she will soon be compelled to give up this means on account of her advanced age.

Walter is the owner of several pieces of real estate in Newport, valued at $5000 and is receiving a salary of $15 a week from the Newport Rolling Mills Co. She asks for alimony and absolute divorce.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 June 1907, page 5

Victoria Scannapico filed a divorce suit against Joseph Scannapico in Campbell Circuit Court. They were married in Cincinnati New Years Day 1906, and after four weeks of married life, Joseph packed his trunk and took his departure without making any provision for her support. She states that her maiden name ws Longinotti and he has been a resident of Campbell co. for the past year. His post office address is given as Corning NY.

Junior Smith relates a tale of martial woe in his petition for divorce against Anna Broady Smith, filed in the same court. Smith says that after a period of six months of married life, he found out his wife frequented Cincinnati concert halls and sitting rooms while he was at work. For this reason Smith says he left her.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 August 1907, page 5

Mrs. Cordelia Sellers, on behalf of her daughter, Mrs. Minnie B Furnish, filed an action for divorce in Campbell Circuit Court. The defendant is Villie B Furnish, a former soldier, all parties of Ft Thomas. The daughter is not yet of age and the couple have been married less than a year. They separated last July and Mrs. Sellers charges her son in law with cruelty. She also filed a restraining order preventing the husband from coming near his wife.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 14 Nov 1907, page 4

In the suit of Anna Viehmann against Conrad Viehmann, Judge Berry adjudged the plaintiff had proven the allegation of cruelty. She is given possession of the furniture and the draying business which was sold and conveyed to her by the defendant.

Dora Leonard was given a decree in her suit against Daniel L Leonard. She alleged cruelty and inhuman treatment. The Court also gave the plaintiff the custody of their three children.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 December 1907, page 5

A suit for divorce was brought Oct 8 by Jennie D Ware against William D Ware, one of Newport's leading contractors and business men. They were married Dec 5, 1887 and are now residents of Newport. The defendant has failed to file an answer to his wife's petition and friends say the estranged couple say no defense will be made and a decree will be obtained by the wife by default.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 February 1908, page 5

Ida Collins filed against John Collins, both of Newport, alleges they were married in 1902 and lived together until Sunday last, when his conduct toward her became so unbearable that she was forced to and did leave her home, 605 Overton st. She says he has been cruel to her and has attempted to injure her. He is the owner of a house valued at $3500 and earns $35 a week as a telegraph operator. She further alleges he threatens to remove the furniture and household goods from their home. A temporay injunction was granted by Judge Yungblut. Plaintiff prays for divorce, alimony and custody of their three children.

Annie Metz, filed against Anthony Metz of Dayton, alleges cruelty, drunkenness, wasting of estate and failure to provide. They were married in 1889 and lived together until August 1907. There are no children.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 27 February 1908, page 5

Amy Reeves sued Richard Reeves for divorce yesterday in the Campbell Circuit Court. They were married in December 1906 at Covington and she alleges he abandoned her Feb 18, 1907. Since that time she says he has not contributed to her support. She asks for restoration to her maiden name of Anderson.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 March 1908, page 5

In the divorce petition of Mamie Daley vs. Eugene Daley, Judge Yungblut dismissed the wife's petition and granted the husband a divorce on his cross peition. He was also awarded the custody of their child. The mother is allowed to see the child once a week.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 23 July 1908, page 5

Dan Daly of Cincinnati, who is being sued by his wife, Kate Daly, of Newport for divorce, filed a rejoinder to his wife's answer. He denies he ever confessed to his wife he had improper relations with women of bad repute. Mrs. Daly brought suit some time ago, alleging the defendant had abandoned her and had failed to provide for her or their child.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 9 October 1908, page 5

Paul Hartfiel, who was granted a divorce in the Campbell Circuit Court, secured his wife, Julia Hartfiel, through a matrimonial ad in a daily paper. He alleged his wife deserted him. He learned his wife had taken another husband, she being under the impression that Hartfiel had gotten the divorce. Judge Yungblut granted the divorce.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 November 1908, page 3

Mary Knecht against Charles Knecht, a decree was granted to the plaintiff and she was given the custody of their child. The question of alimony and maintenance was settled by agreement.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 26 March 1909, page 3

Caroline Shoup, in a divorce suit filed by her today against William U Shoup in Campbell Circuit Court, alleges extreme cruelty on the part of the defendant. She further avers he struck and choked her and purchased a revolver and repeatedly threatened her life. They were married in 1902 and have no children. The cause of action is alleged to have occurred in Ohio, where they resided for several years and is grounds for divorce under the statutes of that State.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 10 April 1909, page 3

Margaret Clephane, who was divorced from William Clephane in November 1907 and allowed alimony in the sum of $5 a week for the maintenance of herself and two children, filed an affidavit today in Campbell Circuit Court. She alleges no part of the alimony judgment except $17 has been paid.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 20 April 1909, page 5

The divorce ase of Caroline Shoup against her husband, William Shoup, was heard by Judge Yungblut in chambers.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 3 May 1909, page 5

Rose B Lampton was divorced from Edward Lampton and restored to her maiden name of Smith.

Emma Stowers was granted a divorce in her suit against Charles Stevens. She was awarded the custody of their two children and $2.50 per week for maintenance.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 January 1910, page 3

Mary Baldwin was granted a divorce today in the Campbell Circuit Court in her suit against John S Baldwin in which she alleged cruelty and bad treatment on part of the defendant. They were married in Cincinnati March 1901.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 February 1910, page 2

Edna May Bohan was granted a divorce from Louis Bohan on the ground of abandonment. There were married in February 1907 and she alleged he abandoned her in October of the same year.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 14 February 1910, page 7

Nettie Ladrigan, of Newport, in a petition she filed for divorce today in Campbell Circuit Court, states she and the defendant, Albert Ladrigan, were married May 23, 1903 in Campbell co. and for cause of action he has treated her in a cruel and inhuman manner. She further alleges she is afraid the defendant will injure her and prays the Court to restrain Ladrigan from interfering with plaintiff in any way. Judge Yungblut issued a restraining order, enjoining Ladrigan from staying at the premises, 616 Saratoga st. Newport now occupied by plaintiff.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 10 March 1910, page 3

Elizabeth Ritter and Arthur Ritter were married in Newport Oct 26, 1903 and lived together until last month. Today she filed suit for divorce in the Campbell Circuit Court, alleging cruel and inhuman treatment. She says the defendant is a painter by occupation and earns $18 a week. Alimony and custody of their three children is also prayed for by the plaintiff.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 21 March 1910, page 2

Frank Kenneweg of Newport, who was married to Katherine Kenneweg in April 1905, filed suit for divorce today in the Campbell Circuit Court. He alleges that his wife abandoned him without cause March 19, 1910, and has since refused to live with him.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 28 March 1910, page 2

Esther Washbutsky was granted a divorce today by Judge Yungblut in the Campbell Circuit Court in her suit for divorce against David Washzutsky and the decree carried with it restoration to her maiden name, Esther Vilcosfsky. Plaintiff's plea was abandonment.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 29 March 1910, page 7

Blanche Greenbaum, wife of Morris Greenbaum, was granted a divorce today by Judge Yungblut in the Campbell Circuit Court, in her suit against him, in which she alleged cruel treatment and abandonment. They were married in Portsmouth O. in 1909 and have one child. The court also gave her custody of the infant. Mrs. Greenbaum is a resident of Newport while the defendant is said to be living at the Gibson House, Cincinnati.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 13 April 1910, page 5

In the divorce suit of Ida Kaplan against Louis Kaplan, filed yesterday in the Campbell Circuit Court, in which the plaintiff alleges cruelty, Judge Yungblut issued an order of injunction whereby the Central Bank & Trust Co. is enjoined from permitting Kaplan to withdraw money from a safe deposit box until further orders of the Court.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 26 May 1910, page 5

Henry Smith against Anna Smith. He alleges they were married in September 1905 and that without fault on his part, she abandoned him in November of the following year.

Joseph Gannon against Myrtle Gannon, alleges they were married in April 1904 and in March 1905, she abandoned him. He asks for divorce and custody of their child.

William O Smith against Angie Smith, alleges they were married in February 1900 and in March she abandoned him.


Kentucky Post, Monday, 13 June 1910, page 2

Henry Neu Jr. was sued fro divorce today in the Campbell Circuit Court by Elizabeth Neu. They were married in Newport, Sep 22, 1904 and have one son named Donald, aged 5. Living apart for five years is given as cause for a decree. She asks for custody of the child.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 28 June 1910, page 5

Maggie Amann was yesterday granted a divorce from Frank Amann on the charge of cruelty.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 30 June 1910, page 5

Elizabeth Bogard in her suit for divorce from James O Bogard, was granted a divorce. Judgement was also given the plaintiff for custody of their infant child. Plaintiff alleged abndonment.

Evelyn Schwartz filed suit against her husband, Samuel Schwartz for a divorce. The plaintiff alleges they were married in July 1903 and lived together until September of the same year, since which time they have lived apart. She asks judgement for restoration of her maiden name, Evelyn Crouse.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 24 October 1911, page 3

Elizabeth Sheanshang was yesterday granted a divorce from J C Sheanshang and restored to her maiden name of Elizabeth Risch.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 8 April 1915, page 1

Mamie Sansbury filed suit in Campbell Circuit Court late Wednesday against Lennot Sansbury for divorce charging cruelty.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 September 1922, page 1

Mrs. Ethel Moore, wants a divorce, custody of two children and maintenance for them from John F Moore, printer of 216 Columbia st. Newport.

Frank Poynter seeks a divorce from Arria Poytner of St Louis, whom he married Aug 29, 1916.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 13 January 1923, page 1

Margaret M Spencer charges J Howard Spencer, who she says, is employed at the Newport Rolling Mill Co with cruelty. She wants a divorce and custody of a minor child.

George W Ozier Jr. sues Christina Ozier, Jefferson co. for divorce, charging abandonment.

John Rentz, 60 Highland av. Ft Thomas, a florist, is sued for alimony by Mrs. Laura Rentz. She charges cruelty.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 17 April 1923, page 3

Bessie Davis filed suit in Campbell County Circuit Court Tuesday for a divorce from Saul Davis. She alleges he habitually beat and injured her and there was every indication of him continuing to do her bodily harm. She further alleged she was forced to support herself and their two children, Charles Edward, 5, and Ruth Helen, 15 months. She also says he abandoned her March 30, 1922. They were married Nov 14, 1921.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 2 January 1930, page 2

Mrs. Dorothy Hendershott, 731 Linden av. Newport, charged Arthur Hendershott, Southgate, was cruel and indifferent and would drink nd come home and treat her like a "brute". The court awarded the plaintiff the custody of their one child, Merilyn and ordered the defendant to pay $5 a week for the child's support. The plaintiff was also given $1000 in settlement of their property rights. They were married Feb 26, 1923.

Mrs. Bertha Brown, 621 Dayton st. Newport, charged Joel Brown, Newport, failed to provide for her and their one child and treated her indifferently. The court also awarded Mrs. Brown custody of their one child and ordered Brown to pay $5 a week for the child's support.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 3 January 1930, page 1

Mrs. Marie E Weaver, 232 Clifton av. Clifton, filed suit Friday in Campbell Circuit Court against William Weaver seeking a divorce on grounds of cruelty. In lieu of alimony the plaintiff asks that she be given possession of their home and household property and that the defendant pay $10 a week for the maintenance of their child.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 24 January 1930, page 5

Mrs. Mary L Gabbaid, 122 Columbia st. Newport, was granted a divorce Thursday in Campbell Circuit Court from Ira Gabbaid on grounds of cruelty. The plaintiff charges she had "little happiness" with the defendant and further charged he declined to support her and their two children, Leatrice Mae and Vera. Mrs. Gabbaid also was awarded the custody of the two children. They were married Dec 10, 1920.


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