Sergeant Dennis Burns

Kentucky Post, Friday, 18 March 1904, page 7

St Patrick's Day passed away quietly, although there were many who made a holiday of the day, and an enjoyable one too. Everyone sported a bit of green, some of the badges worn by the boys at the post being exceptionally neat.

Sergeant Dennis Burns, Company M, received a few days ago, from his sister in Ireland, a vial containing genuine shamrocks, from his home in the Emerald Isle. Sergt. Burns broke the vial Thursday morning and distributed the shamrocks among his intimate friends, who were much pleased with the gift.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 12 May 1904, page 8

Upon the recommendation of the commanding officer, nine prisoners were transferred to Columbus Barracks Wednesday. Sergeant Dennis Burns, Company M and four privates of the Third, were detailed from post headquarters as the guard. This leaves about 39 prisoners, general and garrison.


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