Dayton Citizens


Stories about our friends, neighbors and ancestors in Newport that may be of interest.

AHRENS, Edward Henry

ASHFORD, Zebulon-1910

BERRY, Washington and Alice

BLAKE, Alexander-1903

BLESCH, Louis Charles-1910

BLOEMER, Elizabeth-1904

BONSCHOFF, Magdalena-1879

COTTRELL, Frederick William-1910

COX, Sarah-1903

GOODFRIEND, Katherine & George-1904

HALL, John-1903

HOLLMEYER, Virginia-1905

JOHNSON, Clara-1901

JOLLY, Eugene Lee

KERR, Patrick-1910

KLEIN, Adolph-Police Judge-elect-1908

McVICKERS, Margaret-1859

METZGER, Hattie-1910

MULLICH, Louis-Civil War Diary 1862-1865

MUMM, Christian-1882

NEVILLE, Ira-1903

RACKERS, Herman-1880

REED, Ella-1903

ROSE, Frank-1903

SCOVILLE, Della-1903

SMITH, Ella-1903

STEPHENSON, Mary Jane-1903

STONE, Lee-1905

SWING, Jeanettte-Journalist

TANNEHILL, Jesse Niles


WETZEL, Horace and William 1905 Deaths

ZINK, Robert-1903

ZWICK, Dr. George Holliday


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