David Perry

Alexandria Court Order Book 2, page 21, 24 February 1817

On Motion of David Perry ordered that Isaac Wilson, Wm Perry, Thomas McGrew and George Perry and Robert Craig or any three of them do View and mark out an amendment of the road from Newport to the ferry opposite Columbia being first Sworn and make report to Court of the conveniences and inconveniences.
Alexandria Deed Book, Page 427-Recorded 11 February 1825

Deed made 1 Nov 1824 between Joseph Perry and Samuel Perry and Mary B Perry, wife
of the said Samuel of the county of Hamilton, and state of Ohio of the one part and Richard Southgate and William Caldwell of the county of Campbell of the other part. The parties
of the first part for $4200 sell all that certain tract of land situated in the county of Campbell on the Ohio River above the mouth of a branch being the original upper corner of David Perry’s survey of 1200 acres containing 344 acres more or less. Also all that other tract of land situated in the county of Campbell adjoining the above 344 acres containing 344 acres. The first allotted to Samuel Perry as one of the heirs of David Perry, deceased, the later allotted to Joseph Perry as one of the heirs of said David.

Sealed and delivered in presence of: David Perry, William C Baxter
Alexandria Court Order Book, page 70, 24 November 1828

On the motion of Susannah Perry, widow of David Perry, dec'd. and John McClure who wer first duly sworn and together with Wyatt Baxter their security entered into and acknowledged bond in the penalty of $2000.  Conditioned as the law directs Certificate is granted them for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of said David Perry decd. in due form of law.

Ordered that Charles Daniel, Jno. N Taliaferro, David Lewis and Samuel Winston Esqr. or any three of them being first duly sworn be appointed appraisers to appraise the slaves if any and personal estate of David Perry decd. and make report to Court. Ordered that Charles Daniel, John N Taliaferro, David Lewis and Samuel Winston Esqr. or any three of them do lay off and assign to Susannah Perry her dower in the lands of her late husband David Perry decd. in this County and make report to Court.
Alexandria Deed Book K, page 306, Recorded 18 June 1832

Indenture made 18 June 1832 between Isaac Cooper, deputy sheriff for Oner R Powell, Sheriff of Campbell County in the State of Kentucky of the one part and Robert D Hayman of the County of Campbell of the other part.

Witnesses that whereas Thomas D Carneal lately in the Campbell Circuit Court at the April term of our said court in the year 1832, did recover by virtue of a judgment of said Court against Susanah Perry, administratrix and Samuel F Perry, Robert Hayman and Eliza M Hayman, his wife late Eliza M Perry, Sarah Ann Perry, Robert C Perry, James Perry and Menerva Perry, heirs of David Perry, dec'd.

The sum of $509 debt with 6 per cent pr annum interest thereon from the 25 April 1827 till paid and one cent in damages and also the sum $12.25 1/2 cents for costs in that suit expended, levied the same on two lots Nos. 147 and 148 lying on Belle Vue Street in the Town of Newport.  Robert Hayman became the purchaser the said Hayman being the highest bidder for $650.  The sale took place at the court house door in Newport on court day May 28, 1832.  Indenture made.
Alexandria Court Order Book, page 445, 24 September 1832

On Motion of Robert Hayman who intermarried with Maria Perry, daughter of David Perry dec'd and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that legal notice has been served upon all those interested; therein It is ordered that Samuel Winston, John N Taliaferro, Horatio T Harris and William H Lacey or any three of them being first duly sworn do proceed to lay off to Susanna Perry, widow of David Perry, dec'd, her dower in her said deceased husband's estate and do also Make Division of said decedents estate according to law among his heirs the aforesaid Robert Hayman and Maria his wife, late Maria Perry, and Sally Ann Perry, James Perry, Minerva Perry and Robert Coleman Perry, heirs of the said decedent and ? said Commissioners Report their proceedings to this Court.
Alexandria Deed Book L, page 65, 27 February 1833, Recorded 12 Aug 1834

Agreement between Mrs. Perry, widow of David Perry and Robert Hayman and Maria Hayman, late Maria Perry, one of the heirs of the said David Perry deceased.  Mrs. Perry relinquishes all her claim or right of dower in and to each and every part of the property this day assigned by Commissioners appointed by the County Court of Campbell County to set off the dower and make partition among the heirs of said David Perry, deceased, viz in and to the house and Lot commonly called the Mullins property and of and to the 40 acres of land belonging to the said estate lying back of Newport and this day assigned as aforesaid to the said Hayman and wife and this relinquishment of dower is made in consideration of the said Hayman and wife's conveying to the other heirs of the said David Perry, deceased, now infant under the age of 21 all right, title, claim, interest and demand which he has or may hereafter have of in and to all the other property belonging to the said estate and paying in two years from the date hereafter $50 to the said infant heirs or their guardian legally appointed and in consideration of the relinquishment of dower aforesaid the said Hayman and wife hereby release all claim, interest and title which they have or are hereafter to have of in and to all other estate designed to mean real estate only belonging to the heirs of David Perry, deceased, to them the said heirs viz, Sally Ann Perry, R Coleman Perry, James Perry and Minerva Perry and the said Hayman further agrees to pay the said heirs or their guardian legally appointed in two years from the date hereafter $50.
Robert D Hayman, Maria Hayman, S Perry

Alexandria Inventory Book 2, page 72 Recorded 25 March 1833

Dower of Susan Perry, widow of David Perry, deceased.  Commissioners met at the residence of the aforesaid Susan Perry in Newport (at the house which the said David Perry died).  The Houses and lot in Newport now in the occupancy of the aforesaid Susan Perry valued at $3000.

The piece of lot with the house commonly called the "Mullins property" $500.
500 acres of land on licking river $250
40 acres of land back of Newport $600

Franklin Perry, one of the heirs having died and his portion of the estate on division would entitle Robert Hayman and Maria, late Maria Perry to a full portion and the other heirs being half-blood to a half portion of the Franklin part.  By agreement between Susan Perry, widow, as aforesaid and Robert Hayman and Maria his wife this said Susan relinquishes her dower in the "Mullins property" and the 40 acres of land near Newport to the said Hayman and wife and we allot to the said Hayman and wife the piece of lot called the "Mullins" property and the 40 acres of land near Newport as his full portion in the estate of David Perry, deceased in the part of the said Estate to which Franklin Perry was entitled. 

By the agreement aforesaid between Susan Perry and Robert Hayman and wife, the said Hayman and wife relinquishes all claim, right and title and interest in and to all the other Estate aforesaid to the other heirs of the said decedent and agree to pay them in two years $50.  The balance of the property (deducting the part to Hayman and wife) not being susceptible of such a division as would at present be to the advantage of the aforesaid Sally Ann Perry, R C Perry, James Perry and Minerva Perry, but rather, in our opinion, to their disadvantage they being infants.  We allot the said house and lot now in the occupancy of the aforesaid Susan Perry and the 500 acres of land on Licking River to the said Sally Ann Perry, R C Perry, James Perry and Minerva Perry to be by them held jointly.

We also allot the said infant heirs 35 acres of land now in the possession of Mrs. Gaddis and to which she is entitled to a life estate.  The said Hayman and wife relinquishing their interest in the aforesaid 35 acres of land now in the possession of Mrs. Gaddis.  Mrs. Perry would be entitled to dower in the House and lot now occupied by her and in the 500 acres of land.  By an assignment of Dower in the house and lot the same would be less easy to rent and the said Susan Perry requesting that her dower be not assigned we did not mark out any part of the house for her.
Commissioners-Samuel Winston, W H Lacey, Jno. N Taliaferro

Alexandria Court Order Book, page 490, 25 Mar 1833

The Commissioners appointed to assign to Susan Perry, widow of David Perry her dower in the lands of her said husband and make partition of the Ballance among the heirs of said Perry, this day returned their report which being examined is approved of and ordered to be recorded and It is ordered that said commissioners execute to the parties the necessary deed agreeably to said report.
Alexandria Court Order Book 4, page 366, 29 October 1839

James Perry, Orphan of David Perry made choice of Susan Perry as his Guardian, who with W Baxter security, executed and acknowledged bond in penalty of $500 conditioned according to law.
Alexandria Deed Book 32, page 11, 13 December 1859

Indenture made 13 December 1859 between Ira Root, Sarah Ann Root, his wife, James E Perry and Maria Perry his wife and Susan Barlow, late widow of David Perry, deceased, late father of Sarah Ann Root and James E Perry, died seized of lot No 57 in the original plan of Newport.

Susan Barlow is to take and hold as her dower during her life the following property biz Beginning on front street from the Corner of York and Front street to Coffins line; Sarah Ann commencing at the North Western Corner of said Lot No. 57 to York street and front streets the place of beginning, and the said Sarah Ann Root is to take, have and hold as her Share of the dower interest at the decease of Susan Barlow herein Set off to the said Susan the following property beginning from the corner of York and front street Southerly with Eastern Side of the partition wall that Separates the two story house from the three story house in a direct line towards York street.  James Perry to have property beginning from the corner of York and front street.

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