David Hengelbrok

Kentucky Post, Monday, 18 June 1906, page 5

Death came suddenly to David Hengelbrok, 84, father of Joseph Hengelbrok, cashier of the Newport National Bank at his home, 513 Patterson st. Newport, last night. He had been ailing for about a week, but his illness was not thought to be of a serious nature.

Hengelbrok was born in Osnabruack, German and came to Newport 60 years ago. For 40 years he was engaged with the late T A Widrig in the flour and feed business but retired 10 years ago. He was a member of the German Pioneers, the St Joseph Men's Society and the St Boniface Orphans Society.

He leaves a widow, formerly Johanna Brink; three daughters, Miss Bernardina Hengelbrook, Mrs. Michael Gerhardstein and Mrs. John Bankemper and two sons, Joseph and Charles.

The funeral services will be held at Corpus Christi Church Wednesday morning. The remains  will be interred at St Joseph Cemetery at Johns Hill.


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