Daniel Petri


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 3 August 1895, page 5

AD-GRAND AVENUE RESORT in the Kentucky Highlands near Ft Thomas Ky. DAN PETRI, Prop. Get off car at Grand Avenue. Best liquors and cigars. Weidemann's Lager Beer always on tap. Meals and lunches at all hours. Call and hear the Grand Electric Piano while you enjoy a quiet meal.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 26 August 1899, page 1

NAMES GIVEN-The new Campbell County executive committee was named Saturday representing the Democratic Party each for the precinct for which he is elected: Outlying No 1. Highlands Dan Petri.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 May 1903, page 5

HIGHLAND DISTRICT-Saloon licenses were granted Phil Bessler, Dan Petri, Louise Leisring, A Jacoby, Frank Roberts, George Clos and Charles Riednater.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 11 July 1903, page 5

LOST HIS WATCH-Dan Petri, the tavern keeper on Grand Avenue, near Ft Thomas, related a hard luck story to Lieutenant John Leahey Friday. He said he had loaned his watch to his hired man and then discharged him. The latter gathered up his belongings and with the watch, decamped.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 3 April 1906, page 3

APPLICATION TURNED DOWN-Dan Petri, who formerly conducted a saloon and roadhouse on Grand av. Highlands, met with another rebuff last night at the hands of the Highland Trustees. Petri sent in a petition signed by 27 of the property owners in the vicinity of his place, asking that he be granted a license to run a saloon. The request was refused. Petri was compelled to stop selling beer and liquors because the Trustees had refused him a license.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 June 1905, page 5

LICENSE-Dan Petri, of Grand av. Ft Thomas, who was refused a saloon license, has prepared to make a fight against the decision of the Board of Highland Trustees. In the Circuit Court he has moved for an order of mandamus against the Trustees to compel them to issue the license and will carry the case to the Court of Appeals, if necessary.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 September 1906, page 5

STATE BOARD FILLS VACANCY-Dan Petri of Grand av. Ft Thomas is the new Democratic member of the Campbell co. Election Board. His appointment was made at a regular meeting of the State Election Commissioners held at Frankfort, Aug 31 and was made public today. Petri was in Newport today and held a consultation with Sheriff Nagel, who is also a member of the County Board.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 21 September 1906, page 2

FORT THOMAS-No clue to the persons who burglarized Dan Petri's place has been found. The chisel which was used in effecting an entrance was found by Patrolman Flynn about 30 feet from the residence.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 February 1907, page 3

REFUSED-Dan Petri, one of the leaders in the Open Book Party movement which was successful in the election of Trustees for the Highland District, was turned down last night at a meeting of hte board by one of the members he claims was instrumental in having placed on the Open Book District and elected. Petri, who conducted a road house on Grand av. had been refused a saloon license by the Trustees and he made a personal fight at the last election for a new Board of Trustees. Member Guy voted against granting the application and with the two votes of the People's Party members, the motion to grant the license was lost.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 5 March 1907, page 5

WINS FIGHT-Dan Petri, who conducts a roadhouse on Grand av. Ft Thomas, was granted a saloon license last night by the Highland District Trustees, thus ending a fight waged by Petri and the district officials for two years. Last night Petri signed the necessary agreement to conduct an orderly house, the license was issued to him.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 6 January 1909, page 5

AGREEMENT OVERLOOKED-Dan Petri, proprietor of the English Inn on Grand av. Ft Thomas, was granted a new trial in the suit brought by the Geo Wiedemann Brewing Co.


Kentucky Post, Friday 2 April 1909, page 1

The Police Court room at Ft Thomas was crowded last night with civilians and soldiers attracted by the trials of those who were caught in the dog fight raid of the night before at Dan Petri's place on Grand Av. The sentiment of the community is against the brutal sport. Dan Petri, charged with permitting a dog fight to take place on his premises, was defended by Attorney Lawrence Diskin. A jury was demanded and Chief of Police Cook testified the arresting party were hidden across the road from Petri's place from 9 until midnight.

Petri offered no testimony, his attorney declaring that the statute stated profit must be shown. A verdict was returned and Petri was found guilty.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 18 May 1909, page 5

REJECTS APPLICATION-The license committee of Newport rejected the application of Dan Petri, to conduct a saloon at Tenth and York sts. Petri was before the committee but his peal was of no avail. He had the place all remodeled and has been doing business for the past week. The action of the committee in refusing him a license will cause him to close.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 11 June 1909, page 5

GRANTED-On recommendation of the license committee William Graves was granted a license to operate a saloon at Tenth and York sts. where Dan Petri was refused.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 18 June 1914, page 1

DIVORCE-Virginia Petri filed suit in the Kenton co. Circuit Court against Dan Petri for divorce on the charge of cruelty and failure to provide. Dan Petri is a well known innkeeper on the Lexington pike. The plaintiff asks for absolute divorce and alimony.


Kentucky Post, Saturday, 28 November 1914, page 1

RECOVER STOLEN AUTO-The Covington police recovered an automobile belonging to Art Wenzel of Cincinnati, which was stolen from Dan Petri's roadhouse at Crittenden Ky.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 22 April 1915, page 1

ARREST-Dan Petri, roadhouse keeper of Kenton co. will be arraigned Friday morning on a charge by John W Wilkie of "maintaining a nuisance in conducting his house in Kenton co. for immoral purposes." Petri is under $750 bond.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 29 July 1925, page 1

RECALLS POLITICS-The candidacy of Dan Petri for county commissioner from the First Kenton co. District brings back to mind of the turbulent times of 25 years ago when Kentucky was in the midst of a political war which claimed the lives of Goebel and others. Dan Petri at that time was a power in northern Kentucky politics. He was farming in Campbell Co. and he went to Louisville as chariman of the Campbell Co. delegation, which backed Goebel to the finish. He was offered $1000 in cash if he would throw the vote of Campbell co. away from the Covingtonian. When he refused Congressman Berry, then a power, tried to have the Campbell co. delegation unseated but Petri and his friends were seated.

A few years later Petri became a central figure when he and Judge Cleary started their battle against the toll collections on the turnpikes. Petri by that time had moved from Campbell co. and was proprietor of the Stonewall House on Lexington pike. He points to his 25 years of experience in the building of roads as a reason for people to support him.


Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 15 July 1936, page 4

DEATH-Funeral services for Daniel Petri, for 55 years a resident of Campbell county, will be held at the Hugenberg and Glindmeyer funeral home, Covington at 8:30 am Thursday followed by requiem high mass at St Agnes Chapel at 9 am. Burial will be in St Stephen Cemetery.

Mr. Petri, 78, died Monday at the home of his daughter Mrs. Charles Stein, Kyles Lane and Highland Pike, South Hills. He is survived by three other daughters, Mrs. Flora Weiss, Mrs. Bertrum Inskie and Mrs. William Kronke; 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


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