Daniel Family Cemetery
Grants Lick
Southeast side of Griffin Ford & Clay Ridge Roads
This cemetery was originally indexed by James A Schroer, who found four markers and thirteen plain creek stones.
June 1, 2006 and Photos April 3, 2007 by Buck Seibert
"I drove down Clay Ridge Road to the location given for the Daniel's Family and Baker farm cemeteries. Location given on the web site is the SE corner of Clayridge and Griffin Ford Roads. A man named Joe Phefferman lives at that location. I asked about the cemetery and he directed me to the farm to the SW of his. I believe this was once a Baker farm but is no longer in that family. The cemetery is located on a hill to the east of Griffin Ford Rd almost directly behind the home of Gail Shaffer. I was given permission to cross his place and given better directions to the grave site. The cemetery is in a pasture but in a grove of Honey Locust trees. The immediate area of the cemetery has grown over with very tall weeds. My wife and I searched the area for about an hour. We found many plain field stones set on end. I would guess that there are at least 30 graves in the cemetery. I searched for a bit longer and was finally able to find one of the inscribed headstones. It was lying face up on the ground. The stone belongs to Alexander Daniel and he is one of the persons listed. I got a few digital pictures of the stone."
Daniels Family Cemetery
Bradford, Charlie-19 Jun 1858-13 Aug 1878 son of D W & Agnes Bradford
Bradford, Charlie E-son of B W & Agnes Bradford-19 Jun 1854-13 Aug 1858
Bradford, Rosetta-27 Sep 1851-24 Aug 1878 d/of D W & Agnes Bradford
Daniel, Frances Louise Nov 1825-1 Nov 1905; w/o Wellington Beverly Daniel
Boyd, Benjamin F-6 May 1825-Aug 1849
"Death dealt the blow his spirit rose
To happiness on high
Tread softly for here in sweet repose
His wasting relics lie."
Alexander G Daniel Headstone
Daniel, Alexander G-15 Jan 1821-3 Jun 1853
"Beneath this stone in sweet repose
Is laid a mother's only joy
Although the casket moulders here
Its gems are sparkling
Now in heaven."
Field Stones
GPS reading of 38 deg 49.936N and 084 deg
25.109W. It has an accuracy of 13 ft.