Charles W and Julia Nagel

From the Biographical Cyclopedia of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, published by the John M Gresman Company, Chicago-Philadelphia 1896, page 215

CHARLES W NAGEL, Mayor of Bellevue and a prominent real estate dealer in that progressive young city, was born in Detroit, Michigan April 25, 1852, and is a son of William F and Catherine (Bodemer) Nagel.

His father was a native of Baden, Germany, who came to the United States in 1847, and located in Detroit, where he married.  He removed to Newport in October 1857, where he was engaged in manufacturing rope until the beginning of the Civil war in 1861.  He enlisted in the Fourth Ohio Battery, in which he served throughout the war.  During his absence in the service of his adopted country, his family lived in Cincinnati.  When he returned he removed to Bellevue where he resumed his business of making rope, in which he continued until the time of his death, January 19, 1890, his death being due to a complication of diseases contracted while he was in the army.  He was quite prominent as a Republican politician, and was a Michigan delegate to the convention that nominated John C Fremont for President in 1856.

Charles W Nagel's mother, Catherine (Bodemer) Nagel is a native of Baden, Germany and came to American in 1845, when she was twelve years of age.  She is now living in Bellevue.

During the years of his boyhood, Charles W Nagel was a resident at different times on Newport, Cincinnati, and Bellevue; and received his education prinicpally in the Cincinnati public schools, finishing with a course in a commercial college in that city.  After leaving school he learned the printing trade with Jewett & Adams by whom he was employed for twenty years.  He abandoned his trade in 1885 and engaged in the real estate business in Bellevue, in partnership with T F Beyland.  In 1891 he was elected secretary of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Newport, and in connection with L J Crawford purchased the Newport abstract office and completed its records up to date.

He has been quite prominent in politics and during his residence in Bellevue has held a number of offices; he was a member of the City Council for three years; was city clerk for seven years; examiner of teachers for three years; deputy sheriff for four years and is now serving his second term as mayor of Bellevue, this being a popular endorsement of his administration during his first term.  From all this it may be inferred that Mr. Nagel is a very useful and popular citizen and trusted official.

He began his career without capital and has accumulated considerable property, including valuable real estate in Bellevue and vicinity.

Mr. Nagel was married in 1881 to Julia Sutkamp of Dubuque, Iowa and has one son and one daughter living;  Herbert Lincoln Nagel and Elfrida Nagel.


1918 obituary of Charles W Nagel


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