Conrad Glenker

Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 1 March 1904, page 5

Conrad Glenker, 84, a pioneer resident of Campbell County, died Tuesday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Barbara Kraus, 340 Lindsey Street, Newport. He was a prosperous farmer near Silver Grove and retired about 15 years ago. He located in Campbell County over a half century ago.

He took ill about six months ago and never got well, all the time being at this daughter's home. Five daughters and two sons survive him, all being married. The daughters are Mrs. Barbara Kraus, Mrs. Sophia Zuflucht, Mrs. Val Haigis, Mrs. Hortense Brausch and Mrs. Rose Gates and the son are Fred and Al Glenker, all of whom are well known.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 4 March 1904, page 5

The funeral of Conrad Glenker, 84, who died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Barbara Kraus, 340 Lindsey Street, Newport, took place Thursday at St Stephen Church. The German Pioneer Society attended in a body. Father Merschmann, the pastor, celebrated requiem mass. The body was taken to St Stephen Cemetery at Four Mile for burial.


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