Commercial Club

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 1 January 1903, page 3

The doors of the Commercial Club of Dayton Ky. were thrown open Thursday morning. The members of the club assembled early and as the guests arrived they were shown the beautiful suites of rooms. This is the first time in the history of the club that an open house has been held. The rooms are on Sixth Avenue near Perry Street. Attorney Charles Yungblut, Hubbard Schwartz, Joseph Bohn, C A Bird, William Blinn Sr. and many others entertained the guest.

The Commercial Club was organized four years ago and they succeeded in getting a better street car service, electric lights and induced many factories to locate there, namely the Harvard Piano Company, the Wadsworth Watch Case Factory and several others.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 8 July 1904, page 7

The formation of a commercial club for Newport was effected Thursday night at the office of County Judge W J Hissem and temporary officers were elected. Judge Hissem was made temporary President and C D Crawford temporary Secretary. The committee on resolutions is as follows: W M Donaldson, W A Patterson, J C Wright, L C Widrig, C D Crawford, A L Andrews and H C Spinks.

Judge Hissem delivered an address, in which he spoke of the necessity of a club to benefit the city.


Kentucky Post, Friday, 29 July 1904, page 8

The Newport Commercial Club will begin its career Friday evening in Judge W J Hissem's courtroom, when the nine directors elected at the last meeting will take the final steps in the formation of the organization. The club already has a membership of 76 and it is expected there will be a large additional enrollment tonight. Permanent officers will be elected to succeed Judge Hissem and C D Crawford.


Kentucky Post, Thursday, 17 November 1904, page 5

A mass meeting has been called by the Newport Commercial Club for next Tuesday evening in the County Court room. It is the intention of the club to meet regularly in the future and to consider a number of important questions that will benefit the city. Among these will be the grading of Saratoga st. the possession of a better park condition and a system for securing more manufacturing concerns for Newport. Mayor Helmbold will assist in the enterprise of the Commercial Club.


Kentucky Post, Tuesday, 10 January 1905, page 5

A meeting of the Newport Commercial Club will be held Thursday evening in the County Courtroom. The main subject for discussion will be the sale of the city's gas franchise. This matter is now before General Council awaiting the action of the Court of Appeals as to the validity of the franchise ordinance. The belt railroad proposition will also be considered.


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