The Colored Republican League Club

Kentucky State Journal, Thursday, August 13, 1891, page 5

First in State

The colored Republicans of Campbell County last night organized a Republican League Club, the first of its kind in the State.  They elected officers as follows:
President, Nicholas Neblett
First Vice-President, Charles Johnson
Second Vice-President, Henry Letcher
Secretary, Grant Berry
Treasurer, William Moore
Executive Committee, Washington Rippleton, Daniel J Kerskins, George Turner, Robert Littleton and Hayden McConico.


Kentucky Journal, Friday, February 19, 1892, page 4

The Executive Committee of the Colored Republican League Club will meet this evening at the office of D J Herskins, No. 69 Fifth street.


Kentucky Journal, Friday, March 4, 1892, page 4
The Colored League

The Colored Republican League Club has elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
President Wash Rippleton
Vice President, Charles W H Johnson
Second Vice President, Harry Letcher
Secretary, Robert Littleton
Treasurer, W Moore
Executive Committee: T W Davis, James Murray, William Lumpkins and Thomas Herskins.

The club endorsed Collector Comingore for delegate to the National Republican Convention at Minneapolis and also passed resolutions endorsing the present Republican administration.


Kentucky Journal, Friday, July 15, 1892, page 4

The Chrispersadic Colored Republican League Club held an interesting meeting last Wednesday evening and will meet again next Monday evening at 8 o'clock.  Mr. Charles Johnson is President of the club.


Kentucky Journal, Friday, July 19, 1892, page 4

The Colored Republican League Club met last night at the Methodist church with President Wash Rippleton in the chair and Robert Littleton secretary.  The club is now eighty strong and increasing its membership daily.


Cincinnati Enquirer, 22 October 1900, page 7


Colored Republicans Indignant

The colored voters of Newport are highly incenses because of the shabby treatment accorded them by the Republican Executive Committee in regard to the meeting at Odd Fellow's Hall last week, where they were to have been addressed by Hon A S White, a colored Louisville orator.  The colored men charge that the committee intentionally slighted them and that the insult was such a studied effort on the part of the local leaders of the party that they cannot help but take public notice of it.  The committee refused to advertise the meeting or to lend any financial assistance, and as a result only nine people were in the hall at 8 o'clock.

As a result of their treatment a number of the most prominent colored men of Newport met Saturday night and adopted the following resolution:

Resolved, that since the Republican Campaign Committee of Newport seems disinclined to interest themselves in the colored voters of Newport, we hereby agree to take no part whatever in the coming election of city and state officials.

Then follows a lengthy list of signatures including Rev C P M Bigsly, pastor of the Colored Baptist Church and a number of other prominent colored men.  There are many Democrat colored men in Newport.

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