Colonel James Taylor



Kentucky: A History of the State, Battle, Perrin, & Kniffin, 7th ed., 1887, Campbell Co.

Colonel James Taylor and his twin sister Keturah (who became Mrs. Horatio T. Harris) were born August 9, 1802, at Bellevue, adjoining the town of Newport, Ky.  Colonel Taylor's father was Gen. James Taylor, and his mother was Keturah (nee Moss) both pioneers from Virginia.  His first school was the academy, about two miles from the town, under a celebrated teacher, the Rev. Robert Stubbs, who was a learned Englishman, and an Episcopal divine. 

He next attended the Pestalozzian School at Lexington, taught by Dr. Joseph Buchanan.  In 1818 he entered Transylvania University, under the presidency of Dr. Holley, and graduated in 1822.  After that he graduated at the Transylvania law school, and was admitted to the bar.  Colonel Taylor practiced chiefly as a land lawyer for his father and others in the State of Ohio.  He possessed talents of high order, and his richly stored mind and genial manners rendered him attractive in society. 

In his early life he was quite conspicuous as an amateur actor, and was up to old age noted for his brilliant style of recitation.  In 1824 he married Miss Susan Lucy Barry, a daughter of the Hon. William T. Barry, of Lexington.  They settled in Newport, and reared six children, three sons and three daughters.  In politics Colonel Taylor was a Whig.  When that party expired he voted with Democrats. 

In the civil war he was a strong Union man.  In religion he was an Episcopalian.  After an active and useful life he died March 29, 1883, in the eighty-first year of his age, having survived his devoted wife a little more than a year.

Colonel James Taylor 1883 Obituary

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