Coleman Gosney
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 19 August 1903, page 5
Coleman Gosney's sawmille at Grants Lick, with a large amount of lumber, was destroyed by fire Tuesday. The origin of the fire in a mystery.
Kentucky Post, Thursday, 20 August 1903, page 5
BOUND OVER-Coleman Gosney, whose sawmill was burned Monday night, was arrested at Grants Lick Wednesday. He got into an altercation with John Abbott, who later had a warrant issued for his arrest. Squire Darlington bound Gosney over to the grand jury in the sum of $200.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 26 October 1910, page 5
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Gosney have sold all their property in Grants Lick and will in the near future go to Tacoma Wash. where they will make their future home.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 2 November 1910, page 5
Dr. J D Northcutt has purchased the property of Cole Gosney and will at once commence to make repairs.
Kentucky Post, Wednesday, 7 December 1910, page 5
John Gosney moved his family to Grants Lick in the house recently vacated by Coleman Gosney.