Cliff Reinhart

Kentucky Post, Thursday, 31 March 1910, page 3

Cliff Reinhart, of Bellevue, has been signed by Manager Applegate for the Wiedemann's to play third base and he completes the lineup which will represent Newport in the KIO League this coming season. The lineup includes:

Thomas, pitcher; Bosler, catcher; Meyer, first base; Reed, second base; Ruh, shortstop; Reinhart, third base; Harold, left field; Applegate, center field; and Kreimer, right field. Reinhart is in fine shape and is a valuable addition and fills the hole where the Brewers have been weakest. Another player is Dick Harold, left fielder. Harold has been winning many sprinting races during the winter, his latest achievement, winning the 80 yard dash at Louisville last Saturday night over a classy field.

The new Wiedemann's first appearance will be Saturday, April 16 against the famous Cubans.


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